I already noted those people that weren't able to be with us on our big day, but what about those that were able to be there?! We personally think we are thebombdotcom and I'm sure many of you think the same.
Abby, Me, Chandra, and Erica |
It was so difficult to pick just three lovely ladies to stand to my left as I exchanged vows with the mister. They did much more than just stand as I reviewed in my bridal showers post not to terribly long ago and I was happy to have them there for all of it. Of course, I wish I could have had more like 15 of my favorite ladies up there with me. I'll keep these little write ups short and sweet, but I could easily write a blog post about each one!
Me and Abby |
Abby and I met at the Kappa Delta Sorority house many moons ago, shared an apartment one wonderful summer, and too many adventures to name. Easily, one of the nicest people on planet earth and a class act. Since Abby married John just a few months earlier in August she was a great resource and all of her advice came in very handy!
Me and Erica |
Erica is Kenny's younger sister and I believe we met in October of 2011. She kept form with the rest of her family and has lovingly welcomed me in without hesitation. I'm so grateful that she made the long trip from Jersey to be there with us, and it was a blessing to have her there with us on the most important day or our lives!
Me and Chandra |
Like Abby, I met Chandra at the Kappa Delta Sorority house a few years ago and was honored to be her New Member Educator. She married Ryan in 2007 and I think that contrary to popular trends we became closer after that wonderful day! Also a great resource during the planning process, she's a fantastic mom to Mr. Caden James and a steadfast friend that you can count on no matter what.
Kyle, Kenny, Nathan, and Matt |
I think Kenny would have asked at like 30 people if I would have let him and if they could have all made the trip to Tulsa. He is a likable dude so narrowing down his group was kind of difficult for him, I think. Please note that this is all speculation on my part since Kenny is actually at work this Sunday afternoon, which he is not happy about!
Kyle and Kenny |
I'm assuming that Kenny met Kyle back in the days of diapers, since they are cousins that aren't too many years apart. He's all kinds of awesome and has spent a number of hours at our apartment, always a blast!
Nathan and Kenny |
Nathan was a belated birthday gift for my 3rd birthday and I think he wins the award for most miles traveled to attend. I'm so lucky that Kenny and Nate get along so well and we can't wait for him to visit in May!!
Matt and Kenny |
Matt and Kenny met through their love of fire, more accurately fire fighting. He is always a fun time and we think the weekend was a little more interesting with him there!
Even More Lovely People!
So, lots of help is needed during a wedding...below are those that pitched in and we are grateful!
Layna, Me, Kenny, and Megan |
What about the readers?! On some level I think these two ladies might have been separated a birth. Both fun loving, helpful and energetic ladies that performed their duties flawlessly! Layna is my cousin and Megan is Kenny's cousin/Kyle's sister. Love them both!!
Miranda, Alli, and Jossilyn helped out with the guestbook and programs. I just realized that we didn't get a professional photo of them hard a work! Miranda is my cousin and with the help of her little girls I believe that everyone had a program in their hands.
Me and Adrienne |
I honestly don't know how we would have gotten everything done without this lady. Adrienne was on my shortlist of bridesmaids, but at the time we made the final decision she was in Morocco and wasn't going to be able to make the journey. Things changed and she is now stateside, unfortunately it was just weeks before the wedding so we couldn't alter the bridesmaid list, but she was so willing to help out and she really made stuff happen. Couldn't thank her enough!!
Last but certainly not least...the PARENTS! They are so important that I'm giving them their own post. check back soon :)
**All photos by
Goodhue Photography **
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