Or so the saying goes...
In case you haven't been reading recently, I'm cheap and will do just about anything to get something for a lower price. This does NOT include stealing, hooking, or anything else that might put me behind bars...no matter what you may hear on the streets.
After going over our recent receipts with a fine tooth comb, cause I'm crazy like that, I noticed that a large chunk of our very hard earned funds were going to cleaning products! GRRR! I coupon like it's going out of style - see my weekly match ups for or local store at
The Krazy Coupon Lady - but many of the cleaners we used weren't as cheap (aka - free) as I would like them to be.
Then I got to thinking. We live in this super modern world, it's cool and I'm down with progress, but as I grow older I don't honestly think I would mind going back to those simpler days. Now, I'm not quite ready to trade in my smart phone for a butter churn, but maybe a life with few chemicals would be better? I'm sure you're response is one of these three.
Answer A: HECK YES!
Answer B: No, Thank You
Answer C: You're a nut case
I have combed the Internet, blogs, and pinterest looking for the best recipes for this new project. I will also be using some old school family recipes too! Below is a list of cleaners, detergents, etc.that I plan on trying and my supply list. I gathered most of the supplies over the past few days and I plan to make a few over the weekend. I have a small stockpile of cleaners, so I'll be using those before I make some of the new cleaners. Needless to say, this will be an on going project. Let's just hope the neighbors don't think I'm cooking meth.
We aren't able to skimp on the floor cleaner for the majority of our apartment. We have beautiful wood floors that were recently professional refinished, it's probably not best to ruin them and not get our deposit back. So, I purchased the floor cleaner in bulk from Amazon.
Bath, Sink, Tile Cleaner
Soft Scrub
Toilet Cleaner
Grease Cutter
Lavender Anti-Bacterial Spray
All-Puropose Cleaner
Window Cleaner
Swiffer Liquid Refill
Laundry Detergent
Fabric Softener
Supply List
46 cups Water - FREE! YAY!
5 cups Vinegar - $1.79
3 cups Baking Soda - $1.19
2 Cups Borax - $3.99
2 Cups Suave Conditioner - $0.66
1 Cup Washing Soda - $2.99
1 cup Castile Soap - $7.29
1 Cup Rubbing Alchol - $1.99
1 Bar Soap - already have
1/2 Cup Liquid Soap - already have
1/2 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide - $0.99
30 drops Lavender Essential Oil - $6.89
Tea Tree Oil - $6.89
Lemon Juice - already have
Grater - need to purchase (don't want to use the food grater!)
Funnel - need to purchase
4 Spray Bottles - hope to re-purpose
1 Squirt Bottle - hope to re-purpose
1 Sqeeze Bottle - hope to re-purpose
2 Gallon Jugs - hope to re-purpose
Mason Jar - already have
Approximate Cost - $45.00
I'll update the exact cost once I purchase the grater and funnel. Most, if not all, of these items will make two batches of all the cleaners. The larger sizes were much more cost effective!