Reporting from NJ where the current temperature is a lovely 18°F.
I know that I lucked out last year with an extremely mild winter, but that doesn't mean that I have to be happy about freezing my tail off this year. It's cold y'all!
Every night, between 10:00pm and 11:00pm, we walk our precious little Sophie Jean. It's normally not a big task, but last night the temperatures were around 14°F. A doggie must, obviously, go outside at least a few times a day, so we bundled up and headed downstairs. It wasn't until we hit the ground floor, two flights of stairs behind us, I realized that I had managed to put on a hoodie, scarf, coat, and gloves. My lower half didn't fare so well. I was wearing a rather thin pair of pajama pants, yes...I wear my PJ pants outside, judge all you want. On top of this, I wasn't wearing any socks and my slippers didn't really stop the wind from nearly instantly freezing my feet. I may or may not be able to feel my little toe on my right foot right now. #dogwalkfail
This morning I walked outside to be slapped across the face by 11°F...I think I cried but my tears must have instantly froze, so I can't be sure.
My health woes haven't changed too much. I'm in a waiting game with my body until March 6th, one day before husbands birthday. I pray that his gift will be good news!
Okay, so my post title has a bit of meaning.
No, I'm not an actual prostitute...I just play one in church.
Yes, yours truly will be playing the one and only Mary Magdalene during Lent.
Should I be insulted? Do I look like a hooker? I hope not! I guess I'm one of the few of the appropriate age and willingness to rock out a 5 minute monologue. I wonder what my costume will look like, hmmm...
Stay warm!