Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hey Y'all!

So, I've been away from my little blog for a little more than two weeks. I'm glad to be back in action! Many things have happened since we last had a chat, so prepare yourself for the update.

August 10th
I got word from my cousin that my Grandpa was admitted to the local hospital. He was very sick, shaking and I was worried. When I hear things like this my heart drops and I just don't know what to do. I called my Mom and she promised to keep me in the loop...we learned that it was
pancreatitis (Sophie Jean had it once too!) and he would be put on medicines to improve the situation. He will need to have his gall bladder removed once his current health improves.

August 11th
My Mama's Birthday!
My parents and brother headed to Kansas to visit Grandpa. They said he looked better and seemed to be on the road to recovery. Later that evening we learned that it was very possible that he suffered a stroke. It took about 3 minutes for the news to sink in, but once it did I knew that I wanted to go. I wanted to be there with him, but knew I needed to stay put until we really knew what was going on.

August 12th
With the confirmed stroke the best place for my Grandpa was going to be Wesley Hospital in Wichita, KS. They transported him midday with a large group of family following. I knew that all of those folks would be plenty of physical support and that the best thing I could do was pray, hard.

August 13th
Each day we learned a little more about his condition. We knew that the battle was going to be tough, but that he would win the war. They told us to prepare for him to be in a wheelchair for awhile, maybe forever. I just knew deep down that he wouldn't allow that to happen. He's too stubborn for that.

August 14th
At this point I knew that I wasn't going to be needed in Kansas, not that the help wouldn't have been welcomed. I am proud to say that I have the most amazing family. There has been someone by his side since all this started! Grandpa continued to improve and they told him he would be moving to a rehabilitation facility on Friday. He could plan on being there for 6 weeks.

August 15th
I finally got to talk to my Grandpa on the phone. His speech was a little slurry, but he sounded like he was in good spirits. They started him on medication to prevent another stroke and confirmed the plans to move him the following day. He also sat up in bed almost totally on his own! HUGE!

August 16th
Grandpa was moved to a rehabilitation facility, not too far from the hospital. He starts therapy, brushes his own teeth and stands up! This is when I knew he was going to exceed every expectation by leaps and bounds!

August 17th
I received a few updates that Grandpa was doing well. He was having some trouble sleeping, but seemed to be in good spirits and improving. I was cleaning the house when I got a text message that made my heart swell and tears stream straight down my face. HE WALKED!! They were small steps, but steps he took with is own strength! I think there was a collective Praise the Lord from Jersey to Florida, through Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Prayers answered.

August 18th - 20th
Grandpa continues to defy the odds, he improves faster than any of us could have imagined. A steady stream of friends and family make their way through his private room. He received support from so many, including a wonderful prayer blanket made by my cousin Kay and flowers from my family. He even made a thank you video for us! In the video we can all tell that his speech is much improved since the last time we talked.

August 21st
My birthday! Yes, I'm 32. Gosh - that's insane.
Birthday's are great aren't they?! People you haven't talked to in years post on your facebook wall. You get cards and text messages from your friends and family. Your Dad send you an email before dawn so he can be the first one to tell you once you wake up...and he barley beats out your Mama. Your husband makes a big deal about it for days on end with gifts and signs. All of the above are wonderful, priceless.

What I look forward to the most on my birthday is my Grandma singing happy birthday. I could be in the worst mood ever and the sound of her melodic voice will make me smile from ear to ear. I wasn't sure that she would call with everything going on, but she did and it was amazing.

Just an hour or so later my Aunt Kim called she wished me a happy birthday and then I heard my Grandpa's voice. 'Happy Birthday, Baby!" Oh my, was that a great sound...clear and with barley a hint of a slur. It was one of my favorite birthday presents!

August 22nd
So, here we are...12 days of emotion, fear, strength, and faith...

For those of you that don't know, my Grandpa isn't known by his given name of Charles. He's had a nickname since he was a child and a few years ago I realized that I had no idea why. When we asked him, he said that when he was very little his father and uncle would toss him around, play with him rough and it seemed that no matter what they did he wouldn't cry.

They started calling him Tuffy. He's earned his nickname over and over again throughout his life. I think that he, without question, has earned it again over the past 12 days.

Oh - and remember when they said he would be in the rehabilitation facility for 6 weeks? Well, how about September 10th - just a little more than THREE WEEKS! He'll be headed home and will only need a walker to get around.

This guy isn't just 'Tuff'...he's Superman.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Everyone has a favorite beach...

Does everyone have a favorite beach?

This girl is from the wonderful, but landlocked, State of Oklahoma. We have a large number of ponds and lakes. Growing up my Grandparents lived on Grand Lake...I spent countless summers jumping off the diving board on the dock and water skiing on our boat. 

My Grandfather worked on boats and operated his own Marina. They had a house, a shop, a cabin and two docks at the end of a quiet cove. When my brother and I were really young we had skis that were tied together to make it easier, I swear we could ski for days.

So...No, I don't have a favorite beach.

I've seen a good number of beaches...Florida, Texas, Mexico, Bahamas, and New Jersey.  All were quite lovely and I am very impressed with the Jersey Shore, but none will compare to the memories I carry from the Grand Lake O' the Cherokees.

Monday, August 5, 2013

10 Things You Shouldn't Know About Me

... But I'm gonna tell you!

Beware - things are about to get awkward ... or completely awesome. It could seriously go either way.

1. Big Toe excluded - I have really small toenails, like I once asked for french manicure and not only was I denied the lady then proceeded to call over all of the other nail technicians to laugh at my tiny toenails. My pinky toe nail is basically just painted skin.

2. I organize my closed in the following manner - tops by sleeve length (strapless, sleeveless, short, half, 3/4, long and then sweater long) ... Skirt by length then color, Pants by length then color, and Dresses by sleeve length then by color and in the back is fancy dresses.  Obsessive? Perhaps.
3. I know that I'm over an illness when I crave nachos. This craving is not as easily satisfied in the Northeast.

4. If leave shoes out for more than 15 minutes and my husband is home he will put them 'away'...and I may never find them again. 

5. I have a scar on my right inner thigh, just above my knee from a possibly cancerous mole I had removed many years ago. The doctor promised it would go away, it obviously didn't....and I'm bitter.

6. I have a mild obsession with PitBill. The rapper, not the dog breed. My husband isn't allowed to speak while he's on TV, no exceptions.

7. I can type and ten-key really fast. I recently beat a coworker in a typing test, with a brand new keyboard, after lunch, with no caffeine in my system. #MicDropBAM
8. I know all of the words to American Pie by Don McLean. I can sing it without the music. I have no idea how I gained this talent.

9. If I break a bone, cut myself badly, stub my toe, or have a hang nail I have the same response. Therefore, you never know the degree that I've injured myself.

10. I can sort through paperwork really fast. It's impressive.

My Favorite Summer Activities

In no particular order...
Campfires, Hot Dogs, and Smores
Early/Late Summer cold grass between my toes
Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, anything with a crapload of Mayo
Driving too fast with the windows down and the music up
The smell of freshly cut grass
Family vacations

Least Favorite

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Three Wishes

Okay - I'm a little late, blame the Royals/Mets game and the fact that it takes a solid hour and half to make it from Flushing to Jersey. 

If you had three wishes what would they be and why?

I better make this good, it was my suggestion for the challenge! And now I'm singing Under Pressure...that's gonna be stuck in my head for days. Great.

Making the assumption that all things are possible with these wishes...

1. Teleportation - anywhere, anytime - I would be able to see my family in a heartbeat rather than hours on a plane. The morning commute would be just a blink of an eye. I do enjoy driving so I don't think I would use it all the time, but it would really help with the cost of airline tickets and daily gasoline costs.

2. Health - I'd wish for my family and future family to be in good health for their lifetime. I'd like to wish this for everyone, but without suffering there would be a lack of compassion. Okay, I'm getting too deep into this, aren't I?  Health all around!

3. Wealth - Not like super Mega Millions lottery riches, but like enough money that it's not such a primary focus. Bills paid off, enough to live comfortably, and plenty to help those that are less fortunate.
There you have it! I'm going to post this now because if I don't I'm sure I'll change my list 10 more times. Only three wishes, can I have 10?!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who Am I?

Let the challenge begin!

August 1st - Who Am I?

Well, did you know that I have an 'About Me' tab? Check it out!

If you couldn't tell by the title of the blog...I am an Oklahoma girl living in the wilds of New Jersey. My husband and my doggie Miss Sophie Jean are my co-pilots in this crazy mess and we're just living life one day at a time.

I blog a lot about family, friends, and fun. You'll often see posts with healthy, or not healthy at all, recipes and my ongoing journey to become a health nut with abs of steel and a love of push ups.  So far...I am none of those things, but maybe one day!

I work a regular boring 8:30 to 5:00 gig and use my mad couponing skills to complete my part time job in the evenings. I seriously enjoy running and would live life in workout pants if were social acceptable.

I have an irrational fear of clowns and dolphins, creepy. I dislike the color pink with a passion and am mildly obsessed with pedicures, even though I'm ticklish and have been known to kick during the scrubbing portion. 

I believe in pearls, class, and Southern Midwest manners. I will call you ma'am or sir no matter your age, please and thank you, you're welcome.

I'm the proud owner of an abnormally large scarf collection. I have scars on my hands because I've never been good with a knife and I truly believe that ranch dressing is a condiment. 

Did I miss anything? 
Probably, but that's more than you really wanted to know, I'm sure!
