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A Blonde Ambition |
Here we go...I’m gonna confess the heck out of this.
Open Mouth Food or Gum Chewing
I cannot believe the amount of adults that do one or both of the above. I’m not saying that your lips have to be touching each other constantly while chewing, but if I can hear you chewing I will have the desire to punch you straight in the face.
Long (FAKE) Fingernails + Keyboard = Clicking
Okay, we aren’t going to prom next week ladies, why the long nails? Really? Grow your own or if you just feel so compelled to lie about your true nail length at least be tasteful, you’re not fooling anyone. Real nails on a keyboard make a completely different sound than the fake ones, the latter makes me want to personally rip off each one.
Missed Calls Sans Voicemail
If you’re a frequent caller of my cell phone this is totally okay, you know that I’ll call you back. If you’re calling for the first time or it’s been ages, leave a message...it’s just polite. Callers of my work line that don’t leave a message will not have their phone call returned, not going to do it. If you dial the wrong number I think a short message apologizing is quite nice.
Sacha Baron Cohen
Annoys the crap out of me.
Okay, I could be completely wrong with this one, but if I hear someone say Two Thousand AND Thirteen I go postal. I think I had a teacher tell me a LONG time ago that using the word ‘and’ in a numerical setting noted a decimal point. Example: 13.1 = Thirteen and one tenth. So, I prefer (demand) that it be said Two Thousand Thirteen or Twenty Thirteen. Thank you for your cooperation.
You’re / Your
You’re = You are ... It’s a contraction, if the sentence doesn’t make sense with you are in it, it does not make sense with ‘You’re’.
Your is a possessive adjective and is almost always followed by a noun
For reals, learn it.
Jennifer Garner
I can’t figure it out, but I’d rather listen to Gilbert Godfrey scream for the length of one of her movies than actually watch one.
National Anthem and Key Changes
I admit that I cannot and will not sing in public, it’s not pretty, but I do have a music degree. Yes, you can have a music degree and not be a good singer. I passed sight singing, barley. Anyway, the National Anthem has many arrangements, so while I tend to not care for the long, overindulgent version, please just don’t screw up the words and, for the love of Pete, Betty and Brenda, don’t change keys 14 times.
Happy Almost Weekend!
Open Mouth Food or Gum Chewing
I cannot believe the amount of adults that do one or both of the above. I’m not saying that your lips have to be touching each other constantly while chewing, but if I can hear you chewing I will have the desire to punch you straight in the face.
Long (FAKE) Fingernails + Keyboard = Clicking
Okay, we aren’t going to prom next week ladies, why the long nails? Really? Grow your own or if you just feel so compelled to lie about your true nail length at least be tasteful, you’re not fooling anyone. Real nails on a keyboard make a completely different sound than the fake ones, the latter makes me want to personally rip off each one.
Missed Calls Sans Voicemail
If you’re a frequent caller of my cell phone this is totally okay, you know that I’ll call you back. If you’re calling for the first time or it’s been ages, leave a message...it’s just polite. Callers of my work line that don’t leave a message will not have their phone call returned, not going to do it. If you dial the wrong number I think a short message apologizing is quite nice.
Sacha Baron Cohen
Annoys the crap out of me.
Okay, I could be completely wrong with this one, but if I hear someone say Two Thousand AND Thirteen I go postal. I think I had a teacher tell me a LONG time ago that using the word ‘and’ in a numerical setting noted a decimal point. Example: 13.1 = Thirteen and one tenth. So, I prefer (demand) that it be said Two Thousand Thirteen or Twenty Thirteen. Thank you for your cooperation.
You’re / Your
You’re = You are ... It’s a contraction, if the sentence doesn’t make sense with you are in it, it does not make sense with ‘You’re’.
Your is a possessive adjective and is almost always followed by a noun
For reals, learn it.
Jennifer Garner
I can’t figure it out, but I’d rather listen to Gilbert Godfrey scream for the length of one of her movies than actually watch one.
National Anthem and Key Changes
I admit that I cannot and will not sing in public, it’s not pretty, but I do have a music degree. Yes, you can have a music degree and not be a good singer. I passed sight singing, barley. Anyway, the National Anthem has many arrangements, so while I tend to not care for the long, overindulgent version, please just don’t screw up the words and, for the love of Pete, Betty and Brenda, don’t change keys 14 times.
Happy Almost Weekend!