Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm alive and well, mostly

Please excuse my lack of blogging, I had a big weekend!  It was difficult to keep it a secret, but I went back to Okieland last Thursday to celebrate something very important!! 

This guy's birthday!

Dad's actual birthday was actually yesterday...turned the big 57! 
He doesn't look it, right folks?!

I have to give major props to Mama on this one, she managed to keep the secret!  People..this is HUGE!  This is a lady that will hint at what you're getting for Christmas for weeks leading up to the big day.  She gets so darn excited she just can't hold it in!  I am so proud that she was able to help me pull this little trick off!

Mama and Dad arrived at the airport to pick up Jaine, my mom's lovely coworker who lied for us! Thanks JANIE!  As they approached the Continental pick up area, there I was...without a coat since someone promised me it was still VERY warm in Oklahoma.  It wasn't.  I was cold. 

I think we surprised, or 'tricked' him!  YAY!!! Mission: Accomplished!

We spent a lot of time together over the next few days and on Saturday my grandparents made the trip down from Kansas, another surprise!  I was able to see two of my besties while in town, but the trip was far too short to arrange a large get together.  Next time friends! 

The time flew by and in the blink of an eye it was Sunday morning.
I'm happy to report that everyone is doing well, the house is still standing, and Oklahoma looks as amazing as I remember it.  As my flight took off I had my forehead pressed against that tiny airplane window to take in as much of the land as possible. 

As my Grandpa said, "This soup would sure good with a handful of crackers." 
My family is the handful of crackers in the soup of my life. 

Anyway, since the trip I've been running around like a mad lady to get everything done.  Sorry for the lack of my usual Fitness Friday and On the Mend Monday posts ... I did manage hurt myself again so next Monday's post should be a good one. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Life in Jersey - Shopping

My Life in Jersey Series continues! Yay! Today I tackle shopping, it's not like shopping in Oklahoma y'all.
My condo in Tulsa, which is still up for sale or rent (someone...anyone...Bueller!), is wonderfully located.  I was just a couple of miles from a Reasor's, Wal-Mart Market, Food Pyramid, and Whole Foods...which will always be Wild Oats to me.  I was also just minutes away from Utica Square ...

aahh...Utica Square is the perfect place to grab Starbucks and window shop.  I love that place.

Back to Grocery Shopping, most people around here call it Food Shopping and I'm still getting used to that, sounds a bit funny to me.  I usually go to one of two ShopRite stores to do my shopping.  The ShopRite in Jersey City is not far from our apartment, it's usually crazy busy and one of the deli employees looks just like Malcolm X, for reals.  There is a location just minutes from work in Lyndhurst, so I often run over there during lunch or directly after work if I just need to pick up a few things.  The strange thing about these stores is that they are not the same on the inside and it's confusing! 

My in-laws have two ShopRite locations near their home and they choose which one they go to based on what they need.  Now, I must preface this...I do not mean any of the following statements in a racists or non-PC or whatever you want to call it.  Their two choices are the 'Italian ShopRite' or the 'Jewish ShopRite'.  The first is located in a town that is heavily populated by those of Italian heritage.  The second is located in a town with a large Jewish population.  See...not racist at all, these stores just know their audience!

In general, the prices here are higher than they are in Oklahoma. So that's a bummer, but there isn't sales tax on most food items and since we live in an urban area the sales tax (when applicable) is only 3.5%.  This means that when I use my Target card I actually save more than the tax cost! WHOOP!

I've always thought that coupons were amazing, but never really took the time beyond that.  I knew that the we would be on a tight budget after the wedding dust settled so I started clipping before I left Okie.  I'm hooked.  The deals you can get are amazing and I refuse to pay retail price now.  Toward the end of the year I started frequently visiting a website ... The Krazy Coupon Lady ... with the guidance of this website I was able to save tons at Target, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS.  They just recently started posting about ShopRite, but the lists weren't always complete...a great start, but there were more deals to be had! 

After a very successful shopping trip this past weekend I noted the great deals that I had snagged on their facebook page.  These deals weren't included in their, I was offered a trial run at being a contributor to The Krazy Coupon Lady!!!  SAY WHAT?!  I'm so excited I can't even contain myself!!  I'll be doing the match ups for ShopRite on March 4th and 11th...if I do well this could become a permanent gig!  Holler for a PT job I can do in my PJ's!

If you're looking for ways to reduce your monthly bills you should really visit The Krazy Coupon Lady.  You have to be willing to devote a little time and buy in bulk, but it's manageable and it pays off in the end!  I highly encourage everyone to give it a shot!

Monday, February 20, 2012

On the Mend Monday - Sophie's Birthday Edition

On the Mend Monday continues!

Just a quick status report...

My ankle is COMPLETELY MENDED!! HOLLER!  I'm back at the gym in full force and I think I'll actually be able to get my mileage back up to what it used to be.  The treadmill does suck, but running out site is usually still a little cold for this child of the South.

My wonderful leg bruise that I received from our bed is COMPLETELY MENDED!!  There is just a little bit of a slight bruise, but I'm done with it and it doesn't hurt anymore!

Now...onto this poor little finger of mine.  It was healing very nicely and I was down to just one Band Aid per day.  I was back to typing normally and my work day became much more tolerable because of it.  On Thursday I was peeling some potatoes, mashed potatoes dancing in my head must have distracted me because before I knew it pain was coming from that little finger once again.  Yes, I peeled off the end of my finger and most of my fingernail.  I feel like I should do PSA's for things that can go wrong while cooking. WIFE FAIL.  So, I'm back to using the ole Band Aids and ointment and really looking foward to the day my finger nail isn't 'U' shaped.  Sadly, I am still INJURED.

Tune in next week, maybe I'll attempt to zest a lemon...that could be tragic.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 2

So, I can't boast too much about my posting skills this week, but at least I kept my promise of my weekly installments! YIPPEE!!   And now...for your reading pleasure, I give you my week at the gym.

Gym  -  Nope
Activities  -  Nothing special
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  Low

Gym  -  Nope
Activities  -  Tubing!!!! (this included a long walk up a very steep hill in snow pants. my rear still hurts.)
Calorie Intake  -  Medium
Calorie Burn  -  Medium/High

Gym  -  Nope
Activities  -  Cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping ... everything short of being barefoot and preggers.
Calorie Intake  -  Medium
Calorie Burn  -  Medium

Gym  -  Yes
Activities  -  Treadmill 5K in less than 30 minutes, lower body - body weight moves
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  High

Gym  -  Nope
Activities  -  Valentimes Day!  Made a yummy dinner!
Calorie Intake  -  Medium
Calorie Burn  -  Medium

Gym  -  Yes
Activities  -  Ran 4 miles on the treadmill at a minimum of 6 mph, threw in some sprints
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  High

Gym  -  Yes
Activities  -  about 2.5 miles into my 3.5 mile run I accidentally hit the emergency stop button...took it as a sign from God and left.
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  High

That's it kiddos - still haven't braved the scale, don't get your hopes up either.  I'm looking forward to a weekend of celbrating my little baby Sophie's 7th birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! 

Miss Sohpie Jean Marrs Emmich

And I have to share this picture with you...

Yes, that is Mr. Killian without his tube!!! Is that not the most adorable mouth  you have ever seen?!  Little man had another banner week!!  GO KILLIAN!!!  I'm not even going to attempt to recap everything and they did have to put the tube back in, but baby steps! BABY STEPS!   Please read up - Killian's Blog

Monday, February 13, 2012

On the Mend Monday - Valentimes Edition

I made it through another week, shocking!  Here is a quick update of my wounds, aliments, etc.

I am happy to report that the burn on my hand is nearly completely healed up and is not even visible to the untrained eye.  I know it's there and it's flaking slightly, but with the help of my dear friend Moisture Therapy I'll be good as new in a matter of days.  You're welcome, right hand!  I'll go ahead and lock this one away in the COMPLETELY MENDED category.

My ankle rolling red box visit proved to last a bit longer than I had originally thought.  I was back at the gym on Wednesday, but I was not up to speed like I would have hoped.  I muscled through it, thankyouverymuch.  I'll be heading back to the gym this afternoon, but until I see how the ankle performs I'm going to classify this injury as MENDED.

I know that everyone is on pins and needles just waiting to hear how my nearly lost finger tip is doing.  Is the suspense killing you?!  Well, after many conversations, with many people, regarding my little digit I made the final decision to not visit the doctor.  I was close to doing that on Friday, but after some ghetto bathroom surgery it turns out it's healing just fine!  Give me a high five and call me doctor!!  Full's still kind of numb and painful, so I'll give it a rating of INJURED, but the difference a week has made is phenomenal.  Really.

My new injury this week is a repeater.  I often find ways to constantly hurt myself, multiple times per year.  My favorite of these is my bed...well...our bed, it used to be just mine, but now I share like a big girl.  Anyway, the sharp corners hit my short leg right in that dead leg spot, hurts like a son of a b and makes me tear up a bit.  I,  yet again, looked like this for at least 10 minutes...

I'm sporting a bit of bruise on my right thigh, but the pain is basically gone so I'll put this in the MENDED category.

I must report that this weekend we went tubing!! SO MUCH FUN!!!  I felt like a little kid going down the hill at least 8 times, a blast to say the least!  I highly recommend it and  I have to say that my first visit to Mountain Creek will not be my last, it looks like a great place to ski too!  But the most important point of this is that I did not hurt myself at all during this venture! FANTASTIC!

Thanks for tuning into another exciting edition of On the Mend Monday - I hope to be fully mended by next week, but I'm realistic and note that this will most likely not happen. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 1

Per the suggestion of my lovely friend Elizabeth I have decided to post a weekly report on myself and the relationship I have with the gym.  For the full story on my gym please see my previous post on this subject matter... HERE!

I decided to give myself a couple of weeks to fully get in the groove, well that came back to bite me in the butt when I rolled my ankle last that story HERE!  This kind of threw things off course slightly, but you gotta keep on keepin on, right?

Method to the madness

Calorie Intake
Low = 1,100 to 1,500 calories
Medium = 1,501 to 2,000 caloires
High = 2,001 to OMG! WHY DID YOU EAT THAT?! calories

Calorie Burn
Low = Slothlike couch potato
Medium = Normal human activity
High = Look at that Body - I workout.
EXTREME = Biggest Loser Style I'm gonna puke workout.

Gym  -  No
Activities  -  Went for a little walk, did some shopping
Calorie Intake  -  Medium
Calorie Burn  -  Medium

Gym  -  No
Activities - Cooked, nearly cut off my finger, and the Super Bowl Win!
Calorie Intake  -  High
Calorie Burn  -  Medium

Gym  -  No
Activites  -  Walked about 2 miles outside
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  Medium

Gym  -  No
Activities  -  NAPPED (it was aweome)
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  Low

Gym  -  YES!
Activities  -  Treadmill Intervals  -  Incline Walk/Run 45 mins-  Lunges and Squats
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  High

Gym  -  YES!
Activities  -  Treadmill Intervals  -  Sprints/Jogging for 55 mins  -  Push ups, Sit Ups, Squats
Calorie Intake  -  Low
Calorie Burn  -  High

I'm only going to report what I have completed, so I'll include this Friday on next weeks report!  Also, I won't begin to post my weight until I put on my big girl panties and actually get on the scale, don't hold your breath.  But I will report that my pants are already feeling quite a bit better and I have noticed that my tops aren't as tight.


And now just a little update on my man Killian.  This kid continues to amaze me, all my problems are like nothing compared to what he has faced in his short time with us!!  You fight little man!!  We are praying for you and I just know that God has a plan for you!!!
Get the full updated at the Killian Blog!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Granpa!

When it's my time to go I hope that people still celebrate my birthday and try their best to forget the day that I passed.  Since that's what I would want I will do this for someone that is still very special to me.

Donald Wayne Marrs
February 9, 1926
Watonga (Blaine County), Oklahoma

My Granpa, my brother, and myself are the only members of my immediate family born in Oklahoma.

The three family Okies!

My granpa didn't really talk about his childhood too much, he didn't dwell much on the past in general.  I do remember him telling a random story when the situation would remind him or while reminiscing with family at our annual reunion.

Ward, Elmer, Zelpha (backrow), Vernon, Wayne, and Alma

If I had seen half of the things he saw in his 79 years in this world I would probably never shut up.  I like to think about how things must have been in that Western Oklahoma town and how scary it must have been to join the Navy during World War II...

My great grandparents and my granpa

Official Navy photo
...or what it felt like to lose a brother in that same war.

I'm beyond lucky to have known him for almost 24 full years, you see we lost him two days before my birthday in 2005.  Rarely do people know their grandparents that long and I cherish the moments I had with them and those that I can still share with my living grandparents in Kansas.

I think I have some good family genes, minus tragic situations both sides of my family have lasted a long time.  My granpa passed less than 6 months before his 80th birthday, my grandma lived into her 90's, and my mother's parents are still going strong in their 80's!  My granpa's brother and sister are still with us and are two wonderful people I'm blessed to know.

Granpa, Aunt Alma, Uncle Ward on the land in Watonga

He made a nice little life for himself, owned his own businesses...

in front of the service station in Neodesha, KS

He was married to my grandmother for 57 years...

celebrating their anniversary

He had a son that, in my personal opinion, grew up to be a great person and father...and he grew up to have some stellar kids, but I might be a bit biased...

He was very supportive of our family and tried his best to keep up with everything we had going on at the time.  He was always interested in my education and would ask countless questions about classes and tests.  I graduated from The University of Tulsa in May 2005, I was so proud to share this day with my family.

Me and my grandparents on graduation day!

I always loved this picture and I just realized that it's one of the last that I have with my granpa.  I think it's adorable that he reach over to put his hand on my back. 

Happy Birthday Granpa!!
We miss you!
We love you!

After I completed this post I got an email from my brother, Nathan, who is currently stationed in Kuwait.  He was responding to an email that my parents and I had going earlier today regarding my grandfathers birthday.  He said, "I opened this email and as soon as I finished reading it 'taps' started playing.  It plays every night here at 10pm...I cried."

I hope this doesn't embarrass brother, but his email made me cry so I had to share.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

On the Mend Monday - Super Bowl Edition

For those that don't know me well, or haven't spent much time with me recently, I must preface this post with this simple fact, I am a klutz.  If there is something trip over, fall in, or stumble upon I will find it without fail.  I wonder if I could get a job with this special talent, let me know if you have any suggestions.  

So - I have made the decision to chronicle my injuries in a new weekly instalment called On the Mend Monday.  I am honestly hoping that I jinx myself into not having any more injuries, purely selfish.  I'll do this in order of injury date to keep things easy. 

Early last week I decided that we needed something slightly sweet and since I had far to many recipes in my pinterest I tried to make apple pie wrap ups. 

photo from pinterest - mine didn't look half bad either.

Those things are darn good and being as you can easily see there is an apple wedge in there doesn't take long to convince yourself that they have a great nutritional value.  Let me be clear, they do not and I should have just eaten the dang apple.  Anyway, you'll quickly learn that when I cook I like to do things about two to three times faster than I should and I usually get burned.  This time it happened to be literally.  The side of my right hand was sporting a radical red mark, but I'm happy to report this injury as MENDED!

I will now tell you the story of Saturday night.  We are super cool kids and we spent our Saturday running errands and slow cooking chicken for our Super Bowl feast, we know how to get down.  In lieu of dancing our rears off at some night club we visited this guy...

Yes, Mr. Red Box keeps us entertained on many evenings and we both agreed on a movie, shocking!  Ides of March was quite interesting, I enjoy any movie with George and Ryan, but I'm getting ahead of myelf here. Kenny pulled up to the local ShopRite and I jumped out to get our movie of choice.  Of course I was stuck behind one of those people that just can't choose a movie and after looking through the list twice just walks way, what is wrong with you?!  Anyway, I made the selection, swiped the debit card, and collected the disc.  Sophie and her driver were patiently awaiting my return to the car, so with a little skip in my step I opened the door, stepped off the curb, and OUCH!!!! Yes, I rolled my ankle, bad.  The swelling started rather quickly and I don't think it had plans on stopping.  I kept it elevated for the majority of the evening and I'm happy to report that it's officially ON THE MEND! Healing is slated to be completed by Wednesday.

Sunday started off being such a wonderful day, it was Super Bowl Sunday and my lovely husband's beloved Giants were preparing to lock down a win!  So, as he left for a Sunday at the office (BOOO!!) I pulled back my hair and started cooking.  Enchiladas, Queso, and Salsa are staple game day foods in my book and were a must for this rather warm Super Bowl Sunday.  The salsa was cooling in the fridge, the queso was warming in the crockpot and the chicken enchiladas were ready for the oven. I had made the enchilada sauce, browned the beef, and shredded the cheese and the only task remaning on the list was to finely chop some onions.  I grabbed a yellow onion and my trustly ULU knife!

I cut the ends of the onion and peeled off the outer layer.   I think I was on my third slice when pain tore through my hand and I knew that my speedy ways in the kitchen had come to haunt me yet again.  I won't go into graphic details, it still makes me sick to my stomach, but lets just say that typing without using your left ring finger is much harder than you think it might be.  Also, buy stock in Band-Aid as soon as possible, I'm working on about a 1/2 a box a day right now.  I am going to have to give this the lowest score allowed in On the Mend Monday ... Still Injured 

**Side Note ** - Please don't hold this against the ULU, they are awesome and I highly recommend them.  Just be careful as the blade is quite sharp and will cut through your skin and fingernail. 

Onto some  happier thoughts and images - as a life long Kansas City fan I can only hope to one day see our boys celebrate a Super Bowl win.  While I wait for hell to freeze over, it's nice to see the Giants (my new #2 team) take the win over the mean Bill Belichick and the nasty Pats!!


Gotta give props to the Scotsman - Lawrence Tynes

You can't spell ELITE without ELI!!!