Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just a Cold Little Prostitute

Reporting from NJ where the current temperature is a lovely 18°F.

I know that I lucked out last year with an extremely mild winter, but that doesn't mean that I have to be happy about freezing my tail off this year. It's cold y'all!

Every night, between 10:00pm and 11:00pm, we walk our precious little Sophie Jean. It's normally not a big task, but last night the temperatures were around 14°F. A doggie must, obviously, go outside at least a few times a day, so we bundled up and headed downstairs. It wasn't until we hit the ground floor, two flights of stairs behind us, I realized that I had managed to put on a hoodie, scarf, coat, and gloves. My lower half didn't fare so well. I was wearing a rather thin pair of pajama pants, yes...I wear my PJ pants outside, judge all you want. On top of this, I wasn't wearing any socks and my slippers didn't really stop the wind from nearly instantly freezing my feet. I may or may not be able to feel my little toe on my right foot right now. #dogwalkfail 

This morning I walked outside to be slapped across the face by 11°F...I think I cried but my tears must have instantly froze, so I can't be sure.

My health woes haven't changed too much. I'm in a waiting game with my body until March 6th, one day before husbands birthday. I pray that his gift will be good news!

Okay, so my post title has a bit of meaning.
No, I'm not an actual prostitute...I just play one in church.
Yes, yours truly will be playing the one and only Mary Magdalene during Lent.
Should I be insulted? Do I look like a hooker? I hope not! I guess I'm one of the few of the appropriate age and willingness to rock out a 5 minute monologue. I wonder what my costume will look like, hmmm...

Stay warm!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy 2013 ... Kindergarten Cop

I can't sleep. Why? About a thousand different reasons.

Quick Recap of the past month or so -
Barley made it through the end of the year at work, which was December 21st.
Made a wonderful trip to Oklahoma on the 23rd.
Drove to Kansas on the 24th, enjoyed Christmas with my beautiful and wildly cray Fam.
Drove back to Oklahoma on the 26th.
Family Christmas on the 27th.
Caught up with a couple of old friends on the 28th.
Caught up with more friends (Bridesmaids!) on the 29th.
Relaxed on the 30th.
 Back to Jersey on the 31st.
'Firstmas' (Christmas on the 1st!) on ... duh!
Work...darn you January 2nd!

I didn't take too many pictures over the trip and I'm not sad about it. I really didn't look at my phone too often, especially while with my family. That might be because the reception is terrible in the SEK (Southeast Kansas), but I'm really happy about that. I will treasure the time spent. 
It was far too short, it went by far too quickly. 
 While I'm not the most consistent blogger in the world, the reason for the latest lapse is the above mentioned trip and my health.

I went for my annual doctors appointment, regular check up, blood work, and the oh so lovely lady exam. Girls, we have it good don't we?! Super fun times. I had a few issues, don't we all? I didn't believe that anything major was going on, but then I received a call from my doctor. She stated that I needed to pick up this prescription...

Hey, we need to scan your brain...WHAT?! Yeah, kinda threw me for a loop.

Per the results of my blood test they believed that the reason for my less than perfect results were because of a tumor on my pituitary gland. I called for an appointment and took the only one they had before our December 21st departure, one hour after my call. This meant that I had to go all by myself. MRI tables are cold and lonesome.

The radiologist didn't scream in shock, so I figured that I didn't have something horribly wrong. Results were promised to me in 3 to 5 business days and this was one of the few reasons I even looked at my phone on our trip. Contrary to what my doctor said, she wasn't in the office until January 2nd. After some mild harassment she called with news...and this is where the Kindergarten Cop comes into play...

Yep! It's not a tumor! WHOOP! Thank the Lord and Hallelujah! 

Do I know what the problem is yet? Not a clue. I have an appointment with a specialist on January 10th. 

If you have a chance and are the praying kind, I'd appreciate a quick one :) Thanks Y'all!