Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday / July 31, 2013

Weigh In Wedneday

Oh my Lordy! This week flew by, didn’t it? I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with no time for blogging, but the Northeast Bloggers and I have a fun challenge for August! Stay tuned!

We had a busy weekend filled with delicious food that wasn’t on my diet plan, but you don’t often get to go to a beautiful wedding and indulge in yummy goodness. So, I did and I paid for it on the scale. On top of that, it isn’t every day that your husband’s Grandfather celebrates the big 8-0...more yummy food!

So, the bad news is that a bunch of the great progress I made last week went away with each scrumptious bite. The good news is that I have managed to make an amazing come back and still drop a little since last week! YIPPEE!!

Here is my list ‘o weights ... I prefer to list them all, it keeps me focused on the long term, the big picture and helps me find the motivation to keep pushing!

2013 Starting Weight – 169.0
May 22, 2013 – 151.2
June 19, 2013 – 151.8
June 26, 2013 – 152.6
July 3, 2013 – 151.4
July 22, 2013 – 155.6
July 24, 2013 – 151.4
July 31, 2013 – 149.8

YES! I managed to drop 1.6 pounds over the past week! I could not be happier! I’m almost 20 pounds lighter than I was in January and that is exciting y’all!

Update on Goals

Weight – Be in the 140’s before August
DONE - Okay, so just barely...I couldn't have cut that one any closer! Since I met my goal I will make a new one ...
Be in the 130's before September. OMG. Can it be done?!

Running – 10 mile LSD before the end of August
On the Fence – My ankle is still not right, I attempted a short run tonight (2.5 miles) and about a half mile in I felt really good, but toward the end I really just feel like I'm slapping my feet against the pavement. After stretching for a long time I can feel the soreness already. We may be rethinking the Route 66 Marathon due to my ankle and Dad’s feet. Such is life, maybe 2014 will be our year!

Fitness – Complete 90% of scheduled workouts, Increase Core and Arm Strength
Well Done – I cut one workout short, but other than that I have completed everything that I have planned. I can tell that my arms and core are both getting stronger.

Insanity Review
For those of you that are considering the Insanity program, which I know has been out for quite some time and I’m totally late to the party on this one, I highly endorse it.

I have completed the first 10 days of the program and the improvement that I have seen so far has been amazing. I still can’t do the entire workout without taking breaks, heck I usually can’t make it through the warm-up without taking a break! I don’t think I’ll be invited to be on the next video shoot, but I’m hanging in there.

After I finish the first month I plan to repeat it before moving on to the second month. I really want to be able to do the full workout before moving on and I’m far from that. Repeating the month will still be super challenging since you can control the intensity yourself.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday / July 24, 2013

Pretty Strong Medicine

I’m back for Weigh In Wednesday! I can see the excitement in your eyes!

The past couple of weeks have been hectic. Every time I take a trip I seem to get thrown all out of whack. But I am back and better than ever, well...kinda.

My left ankle is still giving me fits. Once I get warmed up I can run very well, but the next day I can barely walk. I’ve taken to stretching it a ton and it seems to be helping. Anyone have any problems with Achilles Tendonitis? I’m 99% sure that it’s the source of the pain. I have wrapped it for extended periods and am considering getting a Strassburg Sock, but those are mostly for Planters Fasciitis...I don’t think I have that.  Anywho... suggestions are welcomed!

I gained some weight over the past few weeks, nothing major, but putting pounds back on that you worked so hard to get off is very frustrating. I stuck to my July plan for 15 days, but with my heel pain I wasn’t able to continue, I was disappointed. I evaluated my food intake and while it wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t great either. I have opted to start ‘Eating Clean’ and I LOVE IT. I’m sure I will post more on this in the future.

So, here are my weights...I’m including a few dates mostly for personal tracking purposes.

2013 Starting Weight – 169.0
May 22, 2013 – 151.2
June 19, 2013 – 151.8
June 26, 2013 – 152.6
July 3, 2013 – 151.4
July 22, 2013 – 155.6
July 24, 2013 – 151.4

So, I’m back to the weight I was earlier this month, despite gaining to a weight I hadn’t been at since April. I call this VICTORY. I’m back on track and have made some very attainable goals for my weight, running, and overall fitness.

Weight – be in the 140’s before August
Running – 10 miles LSD's before the end of August
Fitness – Complete 90% of scheduled workouts, Increase Core and Arm Strength

Friday, July 19, 2013

Confessional Friday / Guilty Pleasures

Linking with A Blonde Ambition

Happy Friday Y’all!!

It’s time to confess my guilty pleasures...

Pointless TV Shows
I already confessed my love of Dance Moms, but you can go ahead and add The Real Housewives of Orange County, NYC, and Jersey to the list...and...The Kardashians. *hangs head in shame*

Sabra Hummus Cups
Adorable and delicious. I could have 3 or 4 a day, but I limit myself to one as an afternoon snack. I need to stop, they are taking over my life.

Lottery Scratch Off Tickets

I am a very fiscally responsible person, to the point that I annoy my husband and co-workers. I’m the crazy lady with a stack of coupons at checkout and completely unnecessary products in her ‘stockpile’ because they were free or moneymakers. Seriously, if you’re in need of Menopause meds shoot me an email. I digress...this is one itch that I have to scratch from time to time. I allot myself $20 per month, that’s $240 per year *gasp*, to feed my craving. When I win I use the money to buy more...and so on. I may need an intervention.

It is incredibly difficult for me to walk away from a good sale. Seriously, if something is 75% off I feel the urge to buy it even if I don’t need it or it doesn’t fit. You would be shocked at the amount of ‘goal’ skirts, jeans, etc I have in my closet. One day I will wear them...and they will be terrible out of style.

Hot Tea

Everyday I have at least 4 cups. Okay, two of those cups are in an insanely large mug that holds way more than the 8oz ‘cup’. No fancy stuff, straight Lipton, please! I do have a goal of making my tea sans Splenda.

Dole Southwest Salad Kits

If you haven’t tried these yet, do it. NOW! You will eat the entire bag

Alright folks, you go have yourself a wonderful weekend! Stay cool!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Families Afloat

I apologize for the week long blog-break. The past week has been long and short, quick and slow all at the same time...strange how things work like that, huh?

When I have even just one day off of work I have to make sure things are in order, I don’t want to leave my co-workers with a mess to clean up. So, Wednesday and Thursday were rather stressful last week. On top of that I had to jam two days of my part-time job into one...Thursday was brutal.

The alarm clock forced me to wake up at 5:00am on Friday morning. I stumbled out of bed, mostly due to an aching Achilles Tendon, and managed to get ready for Mr. E to drive me to the airport in Newark. Lucky for us there was very little traffic and it was smooth sailing. I managed to purchase a breakfast sammich and coffee before boarding the tiny jet bound for Omaha. The flight was smooth and even though I had the pillow that still slightly smells like my parents house, ahhh...home, I wasn’t able to sleep a wink. Too much excitement! Remember when I told you how excited I was for the Dailey / Marrs Family Reunion?!

As we approached Nebraska I noticed a familiar quilt pattern of Midwestern farms, quite lovely. I was pleased with the small and friendly airport. I passed the awesome Omaha Steaks kiosk and retrieved my bag from the baggage claim, impressive quick service!

Mom was very excited to be in Omaha!

My parents arrived somewhat quickly with big hugs and smiles! I jumped in the front seat of the Caddy as we made our way South to Plattsmouth. We settled into The Fitzgerald Hotel on Main Street, grabbed some lunch, and napped. A wonderful afternoon, in my opinion, that led to a great evening of catching up with family at my cousins Kathy and Tim’s house on Beaver Lake. They were amazing hosts and the Gordon Family planned a fantastic reunion!

We made our way back to the airport around midnight to pick up brother. He hopped a flight from Tulsa to Denver to Omaha, seems normal to me, in order to meet up with us and the rest of the family.

Saturday was full of fun, catching up, and cardboard boats. Yes, you can successfully build a boat out of cardboard and a few more materials that will carry an adult in water, very well in fact! Just ask my team, the winners! If you need a tutorial on how this can be done let me know.
Marrs Clan Building our boat

Nate talking with our Great Aunt Alma

Our Captain ready to race!

First Place!
Our Trophy!

Dad, Me and Mom
Brother and Me

I don't know that I could properly put into words how wonderful it is to have so many people in one group that love each other so much. Many of us keep up on Facebook and see each other just once a year, if we are lucky. We gather for the joy of reunions and weddings, comfort each other as we grow old and say goodbye to the ones we have lost. We live in many states ... Oklahoma to New Jersey, Kansas to Massachusetts, Nebraska to Washington, Arizona to Tennessee, Texas to California.  We welcome new members with open arms and watch as the little families within the larger one grow.

This was our 28th reunion and the group is larger than when we started back in 1985. My baby brother was actually a baby, my grandparents were young, and my parents weren't as old as I am now. No matter how much I complain about the little things or how much my heart hurts from the negatives of this crazy world, I know that there is family. This group and the family on my Mother's side has helped make me who I am and I am grateful.

I am counting the days until our reunion next year!

Until then ... all are welcome to visit me in the NJ / NYC area ... I have a spare bed with your name on it!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bringing Down the Debt

I feel like I have been in debt since reality it’s probably since I purchased my first ‘new’ car at 17? Maybe I was 18? I’m not entirely sure, but since that time I have had some type of debt in my life. Credit Cards, Student Loans, Mortgage, etc. It can be crushing and overwhelming. Sadly, so much of it is unnecessary. I didn’t need that car I purchased in the late 90’s and I didn’t need most of the other items I purchased either. Ahh...hindsight really is 20/20, isn’t it? Now, how do we deal with it?!

Before we were married in November of 2011 we had few serious discussions regarding finances. It is very important and just a little advice for those soon-to-be-wed folks out there...Please have a real and honest sit down conversation about money and how you’re going to coexist. We opted for something I like to call an Augmented Joint Approach.

We both transfer a predetermined amount of money to our joint account each time we are paid. For example, let’s say I get paid $1,000. I would transfer $900 into our joint checking account and keep $100 for my own spending. These are just round numbers, but you get the idea. With that $100 I can do whatever I want, buy or save, it doesn’t matter. We each get about the same amount of spending money. It’s a bit of freedom, within reason of drugs, hookers, or Justin Beiber concerts.

Here is everything that we cover with our Joint Account...*deep breath*

Apartment - Rent, PSE&G (Electric and Gas), Verizon (TV, Phone, and Internet), Renters Insurance, Household Items, Groceries, Cell Phone Service
Cars - Car Payment, Car Insurance, Fuel, Repairs
Health - Health Care Services, Veterinary Services
Debt - Credit Card Payments, Student Loan Payments, Mortgage Payment (Rental Property)
Other - Donations (Church, Salvation Army, etc), Gifts (Birthday, Wedding, etc)

Here is what we are responsible for ourselves...
Clothing, Cell Phones, Gifts for the other, Restaurant Meals, etc

The key to making this work for us is to make very few exceptions. We both needed some clothing about a year ago and neither of us really had enough to cover what was needed. After reviewing our finances we agreed to allocate $75 to each person to spend, but we both have to agree.

We knew that paying off as much debt as possible would provide a better future for us. I created the mother of all spreadsheets to help us accomplish this task...

Tab #1
Joint Checking Account
Current Balance
Money in / Money out
Clearing Date
Who is taking or giving us money?!
More details, if needed.
This is how I manage all of our accounts, basically an excel check register. The great thing is that by using formulas I can’t screw up the math!

 We have our checking account mapped out for about the next 6 to 8 months. This really helps us cover things that aren’t paid on a monthly basis and we can see where we might fall short. If a bill isn’t a set amount each month I overestimate it a little, it’s better than underestimating and it provides some breathing room. PSE&G is a good example...I estimate that our bill will be $160 every month, in the Summer/Winter will be close to that, but in the Spring/Fall we are able to greatly lower the bill by opening the windows. When we get the bill each month we are excited to see how well we did saving energy! 

**Note: Since you cannot pump your own gas in New Jersey we budget a set amount each week for this cost and pay in cash...seems like the safest option.**

Tab #2
Savings Account

It looks the same as our checking account layout above. We agreed on a set amount each week to put into savings. It’s not huge, but it’s a little safety net and we are trying to continue to grow it!

Tab #3
Spending Account

I opened up a separate account to use at the Grocery and Drug stores. We received a reward for opening the account and our budgeted amount is directly deposited from my bi-monthly check. No hassle! We are only allowed to spend this amount on food, personal products, OTC medicines, etc. If we run out we have to start living on the items in our pantry. This is the account I use when couponing, we have a small stockpile built up and hope to get to a point that we have a 3 months’ supply of everything that we need, minus fresh foods of course.

Tab #4
Debt Overview

This tab is very different from the other tabs ...
Interest Rate
Min. Payment
July Payment
Next Due Date
GOAL 2013
Who are we paying?


Required Payment
Planned Payment
Goal Balance!
I have this divided out by Credit Cards, Student Loans, Car Payment, and Mortgage Payment. The bottom of the spreadsheet shows a grand total for everything that we owe, that is not a pretty number! It is better that it once was, so I’m happy!

I update this each time a payment clears and if the account isn’t set up for auto payments I set up the next one. We have yet to miss a single payment. Missing a payment really impacts your credit score and often carries a monetary penalty. As my father might as well just go burn a $20 bill!

We round all of our payments up to the nearest dollar and then we use a ‘Dave Ramsey’ like system for paying down debt. The basic premise is that you pick the account with the lowest balance and pay it off first. So, if you allocate $1,000 each month to paying off debt and the required minimum payments add up to $800, use the left over $200 to make an additional payment on that lowest balance account. When it’s paid off go to the next lowest balance account, you’ll be paying the minimum + the minimum of the recently paid off account + the $200 additional. Keep this going until your debt is paid off! By the time you make it to the last account you will be paying the full $1,000 toward the balance. Think about how quickly it will be paid off, amazing!

We are in the process of paying off our debt and when I first heard of this method I really didn’t believe it would work. I assumed that paying off the account with the highest interest rate would be the best course of action. So, being the numbers nerd that I am I did the calculations and our debt will be gone nearly THREE years earlier using this system! That is crazy!

**Note: I don’t factor in the Mortgage payment since it is a rental property and is covered by the payment I collect each month**

Tab #5
Tax Deductible Items

We have a few items that we get to write off on our taxes each year. Charitable Donations, Mileage, and the expenses we incur for my contract work. Check with your tax professional so you know what you should be keeping track of as the year goes on, it will really save you so much time during tax season. Did you know you can write off the miles that you drive to the doctor? Do it!

Anyway, that’s basically what this tab is...Money we donate, miles we travel, and expenses that can help defray the self employment taxes all in one tidy space.

The remainder of the tabs are individual tabs for each of the debt accounts. It is in the same layout as the checking and savings accounts. These give the ability to note any transactions that occur. Our goal is to not use any of these accounts to make new purchases, so we are mostly tracking interest charges and payments. Tracking all of this so closely made me realize that one credit card charged us the ‘Yearly Fee’ TWICE last year! I called them and they reversed the charge, but how many people don’t notice these types of things?!

We obviously run into unforeseen costs from time to time and we have to deal with those as they come along. Medical bills are horrible, but if you politely call the doctor’s office they will usually work with you to make a few smaller payments if you can’t come up with the entire balance.

So, that’s how we do it...simple, right? Any questions?!

Friday, July 5, 2013


Over the past couple of days the mister and I have realized that we often have a song stuck in our heads, on repeat and we have been singing it to each other.

It's not a catchy top 40 hit...

Not an oldie, but a goodie...

Not a guilty pleasure that you're ashamed to admit you like...

Nope - it's this gem that is currently playing around the clock on the TV's in the NJ area...

Don't worry ... here is another version!

And more...

Okay ... Last one! 

I'm sure we will be going #DTS at some point later this summer!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday / July 3, 2013

Pretty Strong Medicine

I’m back for the 3rd week in a row and I am HAPPY to report my weight this week!

June 19, 2013 – 151.8 lbs
June 26, 2013 – 152.6 lbs
July 3, 2013 – 151.4 lbs

Down 1.2 from last week!

Weight Loss Recap
Weigh In Wednesday Total Loss – 0.4 lbs
2013 Total Weight Loss – 17.6 lbs

When I started this journey at the beginning of the year I really hoped to be down at least 20 pounds by this point. Of course I had big dreams of magically dropping 50 pounds, but I wasn’t willing to cut off a limb or have lipo. This is the real world y’all and I want to do this in a healthy way. I am proud of what I have done thus far and I’m looking forward to making more progress!

Yesterday I started my July Workout Plan! I completed everything on the list and MORE! Here is what I did...

5 minute walking warm up
6 mile run – 56 minutes and 56 seconds
Average Pace – 9:30
6.2 mph with 10 7.2 mph sprints
5 minute cool down

Home Workout55 squats
55 alternating lunges
45 crunches on stability ball
0:25 plank
10 REAL push ups!

I’m really trying to be better about stretching. I really do feel better when I stretch properly, but I get so bored and I find myself skipping out on that part too often.

My run felt really good. I only had to jump off once to rearrange my bra and my sock; it took less than 30 seconds. Treadmill runs are normally a little faster simply because I don’t have the opportunity to slow down! I still prefer running outside. Changing speeds, the uphill and downhill, and dodging cars really keep things interesting and I find that the miles go by much quicker. 

So far the workouts are quite easy. I’m sure I will be singing a different tune next week and for sure the following weeks! I used to be able to do about 30 real push ups in a row and I want to get back to that and push it on to 50. I enjoyed being strong and rocking out some real push ups is quite impressive to some people. Maybe I will win another $10 bet! I could use the cash. 

I am going to work hard to have many improvements to talk about next week!

Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Marathon Madness Begins!

As I listen to the Real Housewives of Orange County discuss the important things in life I am thinking about how many miles I will be running this month...over 100, that's how many...and I can't wait!

This month I really want to challenge myself and start off on the right track. My running schedule isn't really that insane and I'd like to see some improvement in the major areas.

Arms = Pushups
Abs and Back = Crunches and Planks
Legs = Squats

So, without further is my July...

I made it in excel because I'm a super nerd and I like things to be in order, but I didn't take the time to perfect it...oh well. Tomorrow is the 2nd, but its Day 1 in my workout month! I will be probably be doing many of the miles on the treadmill due to the massive amounts of rain we are set to get this week.

Wish me luck ... or just pray that I'm able to function regularly.