Friday, May 31, 2013

Confessional Friday

A Blonde Ambition

 1. I confess that I called out sick today and it was the best decision, ever. I had a migraine that started in late yesterday afternoon and just didn't let up. Good news is that the headache is officially gone, but my back and neck are very sore. Blah.

2. I confess that my heart is not in New Jersey right now, not at all. My sweet precious Grandmother is in Wichita, KS for health problems. We don't have much news just yet, heart attack, stroke, or something else, we aren't sure. No matter what is going on I know she's a tough lady that has fought hard for all of her 85 years on this earth. She's loved more than words by many and we are all praying that she will recover from this too. Grandma Lou, we aren't all there with you physically, but you know we are there in spirit.

we can both roll our tongues, bet you didn't know that!

3. I confess that I am also praying for my family and friends in Oklahoma again tonight. Springtime in Tornado Alley is not for the faint of heart and I think that the only thing worse than being there is being 1,300 miles away, helpless. Be careful everyone! 

These pictures from last night's storm are scary! 

KOTV's Facebook Page

KOTV's Facebook Page

4. I confess that my running hasn't taken priority recently, I am a little behind in my schedule and not too happy with myself. I'm hoping to turn that around this weekend and get back on track soon!

5. I confess that I laugh a little on the inside when I hear complaints about the 90 degree weather we have been having here the past few days. This ain't nothin' y'all...I practically need a jacket! Not really, but it's just not quite as unbearable as some make it seem.

6. I confess that I don't know what I would do without my husband and my Sophie Jean. My little family is not perfect, but quite amazing. We have been through a lot in the past 1 1/2 years, it's made us stronger and our future is looking bright! 

7. I confess that we have only hung up about half of our pictures, art work, etc. We move in last August. Yep. 

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Healing in the Heartland

I just watched Healing in the Heartland and have a few comments, take 'em or leave 'em.

This concert special was 1 hour long. The Hurricane Sandy special was about 12 hours, not seriously, but it went on for so long! Great performers at both, for sure. I wish this one was just a bit longer and that 12 12 12 was just a bit shorter.

The only thing missing from the concert in Oklahoma City tonight was Jon Bon Jovi and his turtleneck...

thanks for the memories Google.

Oh...the turtleneck.

And my night was made by this guy. I could listen to him sing for days. 

 This was obviously from a few years ago, the version from tonight wasn't on youtube yet. I love this song.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Differences

"Mama don't you worry, 
they won't change me.
A hundred thousand miles mean nothing to me."
-Eli Young Band

New Jersey is very different from Oklahoma...I know...shocking, right? Most of the differences are small.

If you're invited to a Barbecue in New Jersey you are not guaranteed Barbecue Sauce. Hopefully, a nice rub on some brisket or pork, but usually you're just going to get a burger and some hot dogs.

When I go running I lace up my Tennis Shoes, but my husband insists that they are Sneakers.

For holidays a big events you can bet that you'll see some type of Italian cuisine here in Jersey. Baked Ziti or Chicken Francaise, will make an appearance. In Oklahoma, it's probably going to be something fried, a cobbler, or a casserole.

Okies say Mozzarella, each syllable is given it's time in the limelight, in Jersey it's just Mozz. With a moo sound in's really hard to type, call me if you're confused. Either way it's maybe 25% of the actual word.

Yield signs are closer to stop signs in Oklahoma, in Jersey it means jam your way into traffic at all costs. The commute is brutal.

Asking 'Hey, how ya doin?' will get you an actual answer out West, but asking the same question here in the East gets the question back as the answer.

I won't comment on the soda, pop, coke debate. I call it Soda, you're not changing that either.

There are many differences in culture and I'm learning about them every day. I may comment more on them later, I think I better start a notebook to make sure I don't miss any! 

Bye Y'all! or Yous Guys.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day and a Workout

After a weekend with crappy weather and lazy bums on the couch, we loaded up and headed to the sticks! It's true, New Jersey has farmland, fields, and areas that aren't jam packed with houses and families stacked three high. It's quite awesome.

Our friends Donna and Jeff filled our bellies with Pulled Pork Sammiches, Broccoli Slaw, Baked Ziti and ICE CREAM CAKE! There are few things that I love more than Ice Cream Cake, true story.

Not only were our tummies filled with food love, but our hearts were filled with friend love. It was really great to spend time with people we really connect with and just enjoy being around. Thanks for having us out! We do not thank the many other people on Highway 15 for doubling the travel time back to the big bad city.

When we finally arrived back at our house, that we share with only one other family, I knew that I needed to get a workout in or I would surely be busting out of my fat pants on Tuesday. No bueno.

I have a new favorite work out...this was my second go around with this one and I changed a few things to make it fit my workout goals a little better. You might have seen the original on Pinterest, but here is my version  of the Super Sweaty Tabata Supersets! 

Burpees 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping Jacks 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 3 more times (4 minutes total)

Push Ups 30 seconds
Walking or Forward Lunges 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 minutes total)

Run/Sprint 1/2 mile

High Knees 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Side Side Leaps 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 3 more times (4 minutes total)

Dumbell Rows 30 seconds
Squats with Shoulder Presses 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 minutes total)

Run/Sprint 3/4 mile

Jump Squats 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Mountain Climbers 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 3 more time (4 minutes total)

Reverse Lunges 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 minutes total)

Run/Sprint 1 mile

On top of this I have challenged myself to do this arm workout everyday for 2 weeks. I have no doubt that I will see a big difference. I'm fairly certain that this causes internal bleeding in the arms and I normally start crying about 3 minutes into it.
Right now, I hate this skinny bitch. If my arms look slammin for summer...I will love her.

I couldn't get it to embed in the post - I am not a technically savvy as I'd like to believe. oh wells.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Long Weekend

I missed posting yesterday, so far I have missed two this month...#fail

This is going to be a short one. We have been busy getting caught up on everything around many loads of laundry!!!

Fun thought of the day - Sophie Jean has been, how can I say this nicely? Hmmm... Farting a lot recently. Every time she does she looks around confused. Do you think that she seriously has no idea it's her? Either way, hilarious.

I am so excited to have tomorrow off!

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Confessional Friday - Memorial Day Edition

I confess that I’m still filled with Okie Pride. I love seeing interviews with the people of Moore, Shawnee, Prague, and Carney. A few Jersey folk have told me that the people of Oklahoma seem to be very down to earth and overall extremely nice people. You make me proud Oklahoma!

I confess that I missed posting yesterday, so I’m shooting for 30 out of 31 for the month. The day was too long and when I looked at the clock it was 15 minutes after midnight, not much I could do at that point! 97% is still an A. Whoop!
I confess that this three day weekend could not be more welcomed. Good lordy, in January I never thought this holiday would come. I am in need of some relax time in a bad way y’all!

I confess that I desperately need to go shopping. I swear I have a rotation of about 12 outfits. I’m sure everyone is sick of seeing me wear the same ole things over and over.

I confess that I don’t want to do the above mentioned shopping because I’m secretly hoping to wake up one day 15 pounds lighter and able to fit into a much smaller size.

I confess that I know that will never happen and I should just suck it up.

I confess that I’m putting my big girl pants on today and going into the City (NYC) for a TU Alumni Event at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). I think I’m a good 5 years older than everyone that is attending, oh well. I just hope it doesn’t rain on me too much.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weighing In

Since running the half marathon I have been very proud of myself for consistently running and working out. When I finished the half in Wichita last October I was kinda lazy, okay...super lazy.

I have missed a couple of planned runs, it's been raining quite a bit and my left heel has been giving me fits. All in all I feel good and I have been increasing my speed on the short runs and have done a couple of long runs. I want to increase the long runs over the next couple of weeks. 

I have also been trying to increase the cross training...I much prefer running. But I need to tone up the arms and thighs before I even consider breaking out the bathing suit.

We have been doing well with our food recently. Keeping things low carb and healthy...I have consumed a sleeve of thin mints in the past two weeks. Sweet Lord it is hard to only eat one, I did eat two last Thursday. 

Here is an update according to the judge (aka the scale)

Starting Weight 2013 - 169.0
May 22, 2013 - 151.2 

17.8 pounds lost 

I see that number and there is a part of me that is slightly disappointed, I feel like it should be more. I have to remember that when I started I was averaging a 11:30 mile and tonight I ran 8:58.  I have lost a total of about 35 inches all over and I feel so much better than I did 5ish months ago. 

I would like to see a few more inches go away and few pounds too, if possible. I have a feeling that I could easily get to an 8 minute mile pace if I was carrying 20 pounds less, or more! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Oklahoma

I was born in Oklahoma, I was raised in Oklahoma.

For 30 years - 12 weeks - 1 day I lived in Oklahoma.

And now, I live in New Jersey.

When people hear that I'm from Oklahoma they often ask questions...

How flat is it there? Not as flat as you'd think.
Where is that exactly? North of Texas, on the right side of the Red River.
Do you know all the words to the song Oklahoma!? Yes, every last one.

But the question that I receive the most is, have you ever seen a tornado?

The short answer is no, not head on like you think. I've never stood in a field, lik
e Helen Hunt, to see one making it's way toward me with no where to run and hide. I do know how to spot a wall cloud, what a 'hook echo' looks like on the radar, that hail clouds are green, and if a tornado is actually coming your way you better take cover and pray like you've never prayed before. We regularly had tornado drills in school. I have sat in a bathtub with my family while waiting for a storm to pass. I know what a tornado siren sounds like and, unless it's a clear Wednesday at noon, I know the feeling in your stomach when you hear one.

You see, when you hear that siren go off you could find yourself in your 'safe spot' for hours with no event, that's the good kind. The alternative is the fate that you have just minutes until you're entire life changes. Everything you have could be lost and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. I know this feeling well and I'm one of the lucky ones that has never had any tornado damage. But I have seen the damage that a tornado will cause.

When Hurricane Sandy was heading our way last fall I had the 'Tornado Siren' feeling for 4 days, straight. I'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof and I think my calorie intake tripled out of stress. I wanted to run, because I could and I knew this horrific thing was heading my way. You can't run out of fear every time, we were on high ground and the only true fear that we had was losing power, damage to our cars, and damage to our apartment. We only lost power and we were lucky.

I cannot begin to list the number of inquires that I have received from people I know in here in New Jersey in the past 30ish hours. I appreciate all those that checked in to make sure my family and my friends were not harmed during this horrible tornado. We are blessed.

The news that all of my loved ones are still here with us should not ease your worry or remove the sorrow that you feel for my home state. Too many were hurt and too many were lost. I have to applaud the people of New Jersey and New York, staying strong through Hurricane Sandy and still rebuilding from this destructive storm, it’s not over and it won’t be for a long time. Rebuilding takes time and heart, no matter the location.

I have driven the streets of Moore, eaten in their restaurants, and slept in the apartment that my friend Abby used to rent. I don’t know if it’s still standing. The number of times I have driven Interstate 35 through this area can’t be counted. These are my fellow Okies and they have lived through this before, they shouldn’t have to rebuild again.

Remember that Moore, like the Jersey Shore will not heal in the coming weeks, months, or even years. This wound will one day be a thick rough scar in the landscape of the heart of Oklahoma and it will be formed over the scar of May 3, 1999,
and just miles from the scar of April 19, 1995’s bombing. The gash that the May 20th tornado left is deep and just a day after the people of Shawnee, Prague, and Carney suffered the same unthinkable.

My Oklahoma is wounded and suffering, again. I have absolutely no doubt that they will rise to show that the Oklahoma Standard is alive and well. My heart is filled with pride when I hear reports that they are turning volunteers away because they have too many, and that clothing is no longer needed. Of course there are many things that can still be donated and I encourage you to do what you can to support these fellow Americans. 

I am proud to be an Okie. 


Monday, May 20, 2013

85 Years Young

Today is a very special one.
 85 years ago a little girl was born in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
After many years she married a crazy guy from Kansas.
Together they had 3 girls.
From those 3 girls they had 7 grand kids and 7 great grandkids. 
Anyone in her home is welcomed with open arms, a meal, and endless love.
Friends by the hundreds.

I am truly honored to call her my Grandma.
Words cannot express how much I admire and love this woman.
There is no one stronger or more steadfast. 

She is willing to dress like Elvis

She will give you bunny ears in a picture.

She will dress like Elvis - again

Happy Birthday Edythe Lucille Meyers Marshall! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday / Productive Day

Well, Saturday wasn't as productive as I had hoped.

My normal schedule for the part time job is...
Monday - lunch hour in store and one hour at home
Tuesday - lunch hour in store and one hour at home 
Thursday - lunch hour in store and three hours at home
Friday - four hours at home

Well, this schedule is normally set in stone and very reliable, but one of my stores decided to have an insane and super long circular this week and after 4 hours on Friday night I still had to do about 5 hours of work on Saturday too. Combine that with the dreary weather and you have a not so great Saturday. 

We opted to hit the movie theatre to see The Great Gatsby in the evening in hopes of turning the day into a great day. I have to say that visually the film is beyond well done. I'm not 100% on board with the Jay Z music...I mean some of it really fit, but I didn't need to hear Crazy in Love...I don't think it fit. But I don't make whatevs

Sunday was my favorite weekend day this time around! We went to church today and forgot to wear our Pentecost red...but we still had a grand time.  When we got home we embarked on the most epic kitchen cleaning in the history of mankind, or just my life. I am in love with our new set up and can't wait to actually cook in it! Maybe I will just watch the husband cook, he is getting better!!!

Here is hoping that this week is a great one despite the nasty weather. 

Sophie Jean sends her love

A Special Birthday Letter

Dear Grandma-

Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day, I know that you loved that the two dates were often close enough to celebrate together. Today, you would have been 96 and I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted a party, probably just breakfast with Dad, dinner with Mom, Nate, and Me, and an Ice Cream Sundae.

This may seem strange to most, but you would have liked your funeral. Lots of people that knew you, the music you wanted, and an honest depiction of your life, it was quite a life wasn’t it? You made a lot of a little and left a small, but strongly blessed family behind. Your son is the best father two kids could have ever wanted. He’s doing very well in this world; you must have raised him right and should be proud. I can just imagine the smile on your face.

I know that your questions about what happens after death have been answered, I’m sure it’s much more glorious than you could have dreamed and all of your countless worries here on earth are no more. You’re probably happier than could have ever been here.   

I miss your stories about growing up on a farm in Kansas with your parents and brothers. I miss your fried chicken and the gallon of Chocolate Chip Ice Cream that was always in your freezer. I miss long weekends at the lake, swimming off the dock, and pretending to wear our life jackets, well into our teens, so you wouldn’t worry. I miss your love. I didn’t always understand it, but I miss it and I probably always will.

Love you

Lottie Marjorie Cass Marrs
May 18, 1917 - August 13, 2009


Friday, May 17, 2013

Confessional Friday: Barely

Okay - so I'm cutting it a bit close on the post today, but I still made it! Whoop!

Number One
I confess that I am beyond upset that I cannot be in Kansas this weekend to celebrate my precious Grandmother's 85th birthday. I did get to talk to her on the phone today and just wish I could hug her neck a little. 

Number Two
I confess that I'm probably too excited about my plans to clean the kitchen tomorrow, I'm an odd duck sometimes.

Number Three
I confess that my car is a disaster zone. This is probably the worst my car has ever looked since we bought it last September. I probably need to add this to my Saturday cleaning list, or must.

Number Four
I confess that I am in desperate need for a haircut...or hair make over...or somethin. Y'all I'm about to go Britney Spears/Amanda Bynes shavetastic on this mop. Suggestions? 

Number Five
I confess that I'm loving my new cube at work. At first I was not excited about the change. Originally I was near a window, now I'm no where close. My neighbors are fantastic, but I miss my old neighbors too! AH!

Number Six
I now confess that I'm torn about my cube at work, I just talked myself into being upset. I confess that I think I've lost it. 

Happy Weekend!! 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Let The Countdown Begin!

It's official! 

The tickets have been purchased...

Plans have been made...

My family is visiting...

FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK in 104 Days! 

Of course, I will see them in July at the annual family reunion and that will be amazing, but I'm really looking forward to the extended week long visit...if you didn't pick up on that already.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paper Lyrics

So, just over 6 months ago we celebrated our 1st Anniversary ... 

Since I'm really on top of things I thought I would share our Paper Themed Gifts!

My parents made this! The frame is really beautiful and inside is a paper tree, with our initials hanging from the branch. They used petals from my bouquet to make the letters and they are held on by string that my parents have had their entire married life. The lyrics on the tree itself are our from our first dance...Miranda Lambert's 'Makin' Plans' and the song that my brother wrote and played at our reception ... 

Wedding Song
by Nathan Marrs

Small town girl, on her big day
Big city lights, she's moving your way
She's headed places with stars in her eyes
To the coast where the sun does rise

Big city boy is taking her hand
He vows to always be her big city man
Swept her off her feet and away they go
We'll get to know him as they grow

This is what happens when you fall in Love
When you say I Do we'll become one

This is what happens when you fall in Love
When you say I Do we'll become one

Small town girl, dressing up today
Altar lights will guide your way
She hugs her Daddy with candle lit eyes
In their tummies they feel butterflies

This is what happens when you fall in Love
When you say I Do we'll become one

This was my gift to Mr. E ... Paper hearts with our names and wedding date...I swear that our bedroom walls aren't THIS purple...

And I have to say that this was quite a smart gift to give ... a Bible!

With a very sweet note on the inside.

We didn't do a fancy dinner or a night out of the town, we were quite happy just hanging out at home!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blinkers / Turn Signals

I used to think that people in Oklahoma didn't know how to use a turn signal...or a blinker, whatever you want to call it.

Well, let me tell you that Okie's have NOTHING on Jersey when it comes to not using a blinker. And I'm fairly certain that those that do actually use them just end up leaving them on for miles and miles afterwards.

Really, people...they are put on cars for a freaking reason!

I'll get off my soapbox now, it's late. Loves! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Case of the Mondays

I probably had the worst case of the Mondays...ever.

For reals...I was late to work this morning, for a good reason, but still late. I didn't make anything for lunch today so I was stuck with a fast food salad, wasn't too bad. The day was just long in general and topped of with a meeting at 4:15pm!

I had grand plans to go to the gym and sweat it out on the treadmill, this would surely make the day much better, right?!

Normally, this would be and easy to accomplish task, but when you only pack one sock in your gym bag you really have no choice but to go home and run in the very cool spring air. brrr.

I'm beat and I think I'm going to go to bed early to prepare for Tuesday. I hope I don't get a Case of the Tuesdays, not sure what that would feel like exactly.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Best Friend

She lives 1,323 miles away, if you're driving.
She is, just slightly, shorter than me. 
She can share shoes with me most of the time.
She taught me how to be a good person and showed me what kind of Mother I want to be someday.
She's my best friend. 

Love you bunches Mama! 

Our new matching charms

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturdays Aren't Long Enough

Anyone disagree? Didn't think so...

This morning I dropped off Husband at the PATH station and sent him to Queens. Sadly, he didn't cheer loud enough. The Mets lost again. #shocked

The Mets are my adopted team and I thought that rooting for them would be easier that rooting for the Royals, it's normally not. Maybe the Royals will do some good this year, it's still early enough for a lot to change.

I made my way to Grace Episcopal Church, our church, to help prepare for the Mother's Day Breakfast. A group of us were able to knock out almost all the work in just a few hours! Teamwork! 

I had grand plans to run 9 miles today, but Mother Nature just didn't agree...we got more rain! So, I did some cross training in the house...I am currently using the insanity program, but since I don't do it daily I feel that I am going to nearly die each time I try one of the routines. Lordy! I'm sure it will get easier soon, if not I'm sure it's effective!! 

After I picked up my favorite Met fan at Journal Square we headed to the grocery store downtown to pick up a couple of things. I remembered why I don't go to the grocery store on Saturdays...and we took a detour on the way home to snap a photo of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere! 

One World Trade!

Now...a relaxing Saturday evening...yay!! Can I have two this week, please?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Confessional Friday

Number OneI confess that I have been a bit of a blog stalker recently. I went exploring and found some blogs that I find to be quite interesting and enjoyable. Also, my friend Katie recently started a blog! It’s nice to see another Oklahoma KD girl in the blog world!

Number TwoI confess that I found ‘Confessional Friday’ from another one of the blogs I mentioned above.

Number ThreeI confess that I am fully 100% hooked on my iPad. Not having the heavy laptop warming my legs to the point of burning is my new favorite thing. I might see if I can get one of those keyboard attachment things for it, there has to be an actual name for them right? I have no idea. Anyway, I’m just a bit slow on the typing and the letters are massive in comparison to my little tiny iPhone, so the addition of a normal sized keyboard would be nice. I will also need to get a lapboard or another hard surface, the pillow will just not do. Keep you posted on the developments in the coming weeks.

Number Four I confess that I cannot stop eating strawberries. We are going to go broke buying them, I have no doubt. I try my best to only eat them in the morning to avoid the carbs in the evening time. But I’m certain that I could eat them at every meal and be completely happy.

Number FiveI confess that I am torn about the weather changing to Spring/Summer. I get a bit of anxiety during these season changes. About the time I hit a groove with the clothes I have BAM!!  Now I feel that I must do some shopping, but where? What is in style? AH! It’s so overwhelming! I secretly wish I had a job that required a uniform. Life would be so much easier.

Happy Friday y’all!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Need a Boat

I do love a good boat ride, but I'd prefer to not need one to commute to work. This rain is cray y'all! 

It started raining early on Wednesday morning and has been coming frequently since then. During my drive to work I prefer to use a service road to get to the parking garage and that road is officially closed. It makes that drive a bit longer and me less happy.

It also makes me go near the Dunkin Donuts and I swear I can smell the bagels and muffins. I swear they are calling my name! But I have managed to drive by two days in a row without stopping. WINNING!

This just might be the most exciting news in my life. No lie. It's been a bit norm around these parts. 

OH! Miss Sophie Jean visited the doggie spa today for a bath and hair cut!

My adorable baby in her car seat, that she hates so much. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Needed To Laugh Today

You're welcome! I start hysterically laughing around 3:30...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Short Girls Can Run!

I have been trying like hell to keep running, but in the days following a big race it can be difficult to find the motivation. Today was the most difficult so far. The humidity and temperature were both high...I felt like I weight about 350 pounds. A long three miles!

My plans are to run 5 days a week and do a cross training workout 1 day each week. I am giving myself the option to drop one short run each week if I'm just too busy or tired, hopefully I won't do that too often. Or I can switch out one run with a cross training workout if need be.

I'm super happy to be consistently running under 10 minute miles! I'm thinking about doing a couple of 5K races in the area to see if I can do them in less than 30 minutes. I'd really love to be able get a finish closer to the 27 or 28 minute mark.

I have to say that I am loving my running shoes right now. When I first got them I struggled with them for a few weeks, much longer than I had with others in the past. I think I finally got them broken in properly and they are feeling good! 

Brooks Trance

I'm considering buying another pair right now to have for when the current pair needs to be retired. Hmm...Brilliant! 

Ready to run 6 on the treadmill tomorrow, we have a forecast of rain.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Part of Me ...

Will always be on...

Short blog post today, but I still did it! Whoop! 

Also, this weekend I missed the Mother/Daughter Tea at my Grandma's was a bit of a sad day for me. 

See the things I missed!! Love that lady

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mushrooms, Beef Burgers, and the Shirtless Guy

Monday felt like Sunday. 

We loaded up fairly early in the morning to make the 2ish hour drive from Verdigris, OK to Fredonia, KS ... not exactly the two biggest cities in the world, but two of my favorites.

I got to ride shotgun in the Caddy through Claremore, Oolagah, Nowata, and Coffeyville. Emma and Mom made themselves comfortable in the back and I were able to nap a little bit. We passed my Dad's hometown of Neodesha and made our way into my Mama's hometown of Fredonia, God Bless Southeast Kansas.

I hadn't seen their precious faces since I left there in late December and I missed them so much! Our visit began with lots of hugs and kisses. 

Dad and I showed off our Half Marathon medals and pictures, they questioned why anyone would want to run that many miles and for that long...but I think they were proud.

Grandma had to run some errands, so the ladies loaded up in the Caddy (I got to drive!) and headed to the local bank. Since my Grandma doesn't have an ATM card she wrote a check to 'Cash' and I put it in the tray. The teller looked a bit confused, I rolled down the window so she could say hi and we were on our way. No ID required! 

The next stop was ALCO and the Grocery Store. I swear that my Grandma knows everyone in this small town! Our last stop was the Tri-Mee for some Beef Burgers, very slow, but very delicious! 

While we were out the boys opted to make a trip to pick some wild mushrooms. When they got back we fried them up! YUM!

Raw Mushrooms

Fried Mushrooms!

 We played some games, played with Emma, and just talked. Oh and we took some awesome pictures! 

We can both roll our tongues!

I love my Grandma

We couldn't stop laughing!

Finally got an OK picture

Grandparents and Parents

Grandparents and ME!

Aunt Denny in her work scrubs :)

My Grandma is slightly crazy!
The visit wasn't nearly long enough, but I don't think any visit would ever be long enough. After a lot of tears and more hugs, we made the drive back to Oklahoma and my heart was heavy. A part of me will always be in that house, with those two amazingly crazy people. 

When we got back to Oklahoma we met brother at the house and headed to Taco Bueno, it's not classy, but when you live so far from one you have to get some while you can! 

I'm just trying to enjoy my soft taco....

And then I went to sleep for just a few hours...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

After 9:00am

My last post was about the OKC Half Marathon...all of that information took place before 9am! Sunday wasn't even close to being over!

We headed back to the hotel to take a shower and pack up, oh and take a quick nap. After a quick steak lunch we were on our way from the 405 back to the 918. And I napped again...for most of the drive.

We stopped by my brother's house where my parents left their offspring for some quality time together. It was very nice to just sit and chat for a bit, actually catching up in person rather than on the phone!

A couple of hours later I headed off to see my massage therapist. One of the best decisions I made for the race was booking a post race appointment with this fantastic lady! My legs were barely sore the next day and it was so great to catch up with Darlene. She's easily one of the sweetest people I've ever had the joy of meeting and getting to know, I will be visiting again in November for sure!

After I made a stop by QT for a glorious 32 ounces of Diet Coke, which I rarely drink anymore, but I just had to get one! I made my way over to fabulous neighborhood in Broken Arrow to see the in progress Overton house! WOW! I feel like the foundation was just poured, but much progress has been made. The kitchen cabinets are in, tile and wood floors down, and walls painted...really impressed! Of course, the highlight was spending a few more precious moments with this family. Caden was fulled by sugary cake and ready to give me multiple tours of his room and his new play room, he is excited and super adorable! I can't wait to see the final moved in product later this year! Maybe we can see the finished product of the Conway house, just a few doors away!

Next came a relaxing evening with the parents, my favorite. We just ate dinner (Molly's Tamales! YUM!), talked, and watched I don't live 1,300 miles away and I wasn't leaving in 36 hours. Bliss.

Oh - I got an iPad! Shut up!

Is is just me or does my head look freaky big in comparison to my tiny right arm? Probably just me, I hate pictures sometimes.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Wake Up Call

The alarm went off...way too early obviously. We all slowly got out of bed and began to prepare for the race. I pulled my hair back and put on my running gear, including brand new socks...more on that later. I was wearing bib #13165, Dad had #13166, and Brother Nate was sporting #11965. For this run the lowest number that you can wear is #169...the first #168 numbers are reserved for the victims.

We made our way toward the race area and managed to get parking spot less than a mile from the starting line. I think the warm up walk actually did us some good.

The starting area was PACKED and it was then that I realized we probably should have left the hotel earlier than we did. We missed the 171 seconds of silence (168 for OKC and 3 for Boston), but we did hear the National Anthem, very well done. We pushed our way through as many people as we could, but we still ended up in the 7:30 mile pace group. We do NOT run that fast!

Race Begins!

We crossed the starting line about 2 minutes after the gun went off. We were getting passed left and right, but we managed to go out with a decent and acceptable pace.  Did you know that when you run a race you’ll often run more than the actual race distance? Well, you do ... so, I will do a breakdown the race mile by mile, get ready!

1st Mile – 10:11

Awesome pace, we felt really good. Right at the start you have to go uphill a little, but then you hit a sweet downhill section. We passed the Colcord and turned left to run by the home of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Making our way into the heart of Bricktown, all three of us were feelin good!

2nd Mile – 10:03

WOW! I couldn’t believe we were able to do the 2nd mile faster than the first! We didn’t go to fast right out of the gate, our legs were getting warmed up and our first big hill was in sight. We were on Reno (aka Johnny Bench Drive) and made a left on Mickey Mantle Drive, running past the ballpark where the Oklahoma City Redhawks play. Past Flaming Lips Alley, up and over the steep bridge and we were well on our way to the next mile stone!

3rd Mile – 10:09

Just slightly slower than the last mile, but it did include a bit of a long hill. We had just passed our first water station, no stopping yet, and we could almost see the Capitol! Lincoln Boulevard was mostly flat and the three of us were still all together. We didn’t want to hold brother back too much so we sent him on his way to hopefully finish in less than 2 hours. We had made it to the Capitol and the streets were still crowded!

4th mile – 9:44

This may have been the most boring mile of the race...not exactly the scenic route! Mostly small industrial buildings and nothing much else to look at, but did you see our time! Maybe we need to run a more boring route so we finish faster!

5th mile – 9:44

Exactly the same as the last mile, not much to look at, but we were making our way to the nice laid back neighborhoods of OKC.

6th mile – 9:55

A little slower than our previous mile, but I will take ANYTHING under 10:00! I’m still so impressed that we kept up this pace. I think Dad was sweating quite a bit and sincerely felt that he was sweating more than anyone else at the race! We were into the 1st residential portion of the race and loving the downhill course.

7th mile – 10:09

Back over 10:00 for this mile since it included some uphills, not too horrible, but they will slow you down. Most of this mile was in the Crown Heights section and included the infamous Gorilla Hill! Thanks for the Banana, perfect timing!

8th mile – 9:58

Another mile that was mostly downhill, but this is also the mile that my feet really started to hurt. When getting dressed in the morning I was planning on wearing a pair of socks that I had worn a few times before. Instead I grabbed a brand new pair! OUCH! The bottoms of my feet started to burn and I just knew that I was going to have a blister!

9th mile – 10:36

My feet really started to ache and we were in the long straight stretch...for some reason I find this part of the race to be brutal. It’s all on just a slight incline or completely flat, it’s long and it’s boring. The only cool part is that we start seeing more banners to remember those that were lost. Also, one of the water stops passes out sponges soaked in ice cold water, that was awesome. Thanks Devon!

10th mile – 10:23

Slightly faster than our previous mile and I believe we walked a water station! Not too shabby! We were finally done with the long stretch and I think we were both starting to feel it in our knees and feet. But the finish line was so close!

11th mile – 10:49

This mile wasn’t too bad, just a little slow. We made our way through the first section of Mesta Park and these people are AMAZING! So many supporters in this area ready to cheer everyone closer to the finish. This is mile 11 and 12 for the half marathoners and mile 24 and 25 for the full marathoners. The homes are so pretty and the streets are lined with shade trees, I’m a fan Mesta Park! I am not a fan of the new socks, probably the worse decision ever.

12th mile – 10:17

This is where things start to go bad for me. My right calf really started to lock up and give me fits. My breathing was great, so was Dad’s. My quads, back and feet felt great! I think the only think hurting on Dad was his heel. My darn calf had to go and get in the way!

13th mile – 10:54

I made it through the previous mile of the fairly well, but toward the beginning of this mile I had to stop and stretch for just a few seconds. I had to walk a hill as well, very disappointing. But once we started running we made sure our pace was good to make up for lost time. As we made our way back toward the Memorial and the finish line we tried to kick it up a little bit, and we did...only a little bit.

0.62 – 4:32

According to my GPS we actually ran 0.52 longer than the 13.1’s not perfectly accurate so we are probably somewhere in the middle on this, either way, we logged our FASTEST Half Marathon time EVER! When we ran Wichita in October we crossed the finish line at 2:32:12 - our official time for OKC *drumroll* 2:18:54!!! That is an improvement of 1 minute and about 1 second per mile!


Brother finished about 16 minutes before we did, but he didn't have his phone so he decided to nap by the car and this is how my parents found him.

I was able to stop by the medical tent at the end of the event and say a quick hello to a KD sister, Melissa! She was there with so many others to help anyone that needed medical attention. It was great to see a friendly face at the end of so many miles! Luckily, I wasn't too sweaty for a hug!

I was very impressed with my home state and this fantastic event! I really felt safe and welcomed. Well done OKC. Well done! #R2R - Run to Remember!

I have much more for Sunday, so to be continued...