Monday, April 15, 2013

Updates, Thoughts, and Prayers for Boston

It’s been well over a month since my last post and the only excuse I have is ... Life.
No doubt that the past few weeks have really taken a toll on me and my little family, it’s been a tough for many reasons. In the interest of not making this a novel here are some of the highlights of the past 4 ish weeks for my blog readers (Hi Mama! Hi Dad!)
I have been able to keep up with my running schedule quite well actually. I have made it a major priority and I have only missed one run! Most of my miles have been logged on the gym treadmill, but last week the weather was amazing so I decided to do a mid week run in our neighborhood. The sidewalks aren’t very even...I’m being nice...they are horrible and the mass majority of people block a portion, if not all, of the sidewalk with their car. Anyway I injured my left calf in the process and I saw the entire OKC Half Marathon flash before my eyes. At the suggestion of a co-worker and a Facebook friend I purchased a Foam Roller and started stretching. I also increased my water intake and started eating two bananas a day. Fast-forward five days to me having the best 6 mile run of my life! All 6 miles were completed in less than 10 minutes, something that I have never done before. It was amazing to find my stride at a fast (for me) pace and keep it up for a decent distance. I can’t wait to run 13.1 with my Dad in less than two weeks! Brother will be there too, but he will probably leave us in the dust!

Weight Watchers has been dumped, officially. I informed them by cancelling my membership just last week. I lost a decent amount of weight in the beginning, but the 7 week plateau that followed was just too much. After speaking with a rep from the company I tried eating all of the points allotted to me (Flex and Activity) and I continued to not lose weight. I tried not eating any of the additional points and still did not lose weight. So, I feel that I gave it plenty of time and the smart thing to do was to try something different. Going forward I will be following the ole counting the calories far I have lost 3 pounds.

Starting weight 2013 – 169.0
April 9, 2013 (WW breakup day)– 157.0 (12.0 total lost)
April 14, 2013 – 154.6 (14.4 total lost)

I’m feeling good on this plan and hope that it continues to work as I train for this half marathon, other in the future and my dream of a full marathon this fall!
We have been doing some cheap updates and cleaning up our apartment quite a bit and I really love all the changes. I want to get some more artwork up on the walls, but I do plan on doing a photo shoot to posts some picture of our home on the blog. Should be a fun little project in the coming weeks...or to be more realistic, months.

As I went to post this blog the news stories about the Boston Marathon bombings started to show up on social media and news outlets. I can’t imagine how scared all the runners, families and spectators are right now. Thoughts and prayers going out to all! I can’t imagine what would drive someone to do such a thing. The Boston Marathon is a race that I would love to run one day and I would have to work very hard to qualify. All of those participating deserve the medal they receive when they cross that finish line and the crowds of people that cheer them on, not this...not this at all.


  1. Hey Kendra!! I enjoy reading your posts :) I appreciate your humor and your honesty in what you write. Congrats on the progress! Good luck in OKC!!!!! :) Love and AOT, KP
