Monday, July 2, 2012

Laundry and Poison

Since I'll be using this as my 'running diary' going forward I'll write this in order of the miles I have completed thus far.

My first official run, noted in my last post, was on June 19th.  I had promised myself that I would ease into this in order to avoid burning out or hurting myself.  So, I didn't run on the 20th! Go ME!

June 21 - 1.25 miles - 12 min 54 sec

As you can see, I'm not exactly up to warp speed just yet.  I've been watching the Olympic trials over the last couple of weeks and I've realized that while my organizational skills may be mad awesome, my running skills are not.  But hey, I never said I want to run a mile in 4 minutes...because my legs would immediately fall off and I would die.

June 23 - 2.0 miles - 21 min 50 sec

Mr. E had to do some more work on his car.  I was corrected and told that he does have a name, it's The Count.  I don't love it, but he is 10 and I don't think he would appreciate a name change at his age.  Anyway, the fuel sensor went out and needed to be replaced.  I spent the day/night cleaning the apartment, squeezed in a run, and prepared some food while he spent the majority of the night and early morning in the trunk of 'The Count'.  With the help of our normally intoxicated downstairs neighbor, of course!  Fun times friends. 

My next run was put on hold a little bit because Miss Sophie Jean thought it would be a fantastic idea to eat a big block of rat poison!  For all those pet owners out there, if your furry friend goes #2 and it’s the shade of a green apple Laffy Taffy or a lime flavored Mike and have a rat poison eater on your hands and they need medical attention ASAP!  We rushed our pet daughter to the Animal Emergency center in Lyndhurst, NJ.  She was treated by a wonderful Oklahoma State Grad, Dr. Jeff.  We were very pleased with how quickly and well she was treated.  Of course, my puppy is the one in 100,000 that has an allergic reaction to the injectable form Vitamin K so we actually made two trips to the hospital that night!  I'm so happy that she is on her way to a full recovery, only 3 weeks of tricking her into taking her pill twice a day and a blood test at her normal vet...and hopefully she will get a clean bill of health!

We are those crazy people that think that our dog is actually a mini person, so we were extremely upset with our landlords over this issue.  You see, we don't have any memory or documentation that the nasty rat poison was put into our home!  The claim they told us and unless we want to fight them in court we just have to accept it.  The vet bill was $ lands in the category of a lot of money, but not enough money to sue someone over.   

June 26 - 1.0 miles - 9 min 59 sec

Let me tell you, I had to sprint out the last tenth of a mile or so to get that number under 10 minutes.  I had set out to do a longer run, but the heat was getting to me so I opted to run 1 mile as fast as I could. 

June 28- 1.5 miles - 16 min 58 sec

About this time we have officially started to prepare for our 4th of July visit from my Mama, Dad and Bro! WHOOP WHOOP!  I have been stocking up on fun things to eat and decorate with to celebrate this wonderful holiday!  We hit the streets on Saturday to pick up a new swimsuit and new shorts for the mister; first stop was Old Navy...MISTAKE!  There was literally a line for those damn $1.00 flip flops!  We abandoned that idea.  Instead we hit up DSW and Target, met the Mother and Sister-in-Law for lunch and then visited two grocery stores for some awesome deals! That's what you might call a nice little Saturday! 

June 30 - 1.6 miles - 17 min 21 sec

Not bad after a day out and about if you ask me!

Our Sunday was intended for fun so we made a trip to Bayonne Park.  30 minutes into our whiffle ball game Sophie got way too hot and had to be taken home.  While at home I threw in a load of laundry.  For those that are unaware of our current lease agreement...we pay an extra $50 a month to use the washer and dryer located just outside our apartment door.  A fee that is totally worth not having to drive and sit at a Laundromat, right?  The only problem is that we share it with our landlords and, for some reason; they do laundry almost every day.  When we spoke with them about the rat poison/vet bills we mentioned this frustration and they said that we would have at least one full day on the weekend to do laundry.  Also, we would have at least one day during the week as well, if we needed to do an emergency load on another day we would just have to send a text message to let them know. 

So, remember that load of laundry I threw in?  Well, I switched it to the dryer and then we took the cars to the car wash and ran a couple of errands.  When we returned our laundry, which was still WET, had been removed from the dryer and was replaced with load of their laundry!  I WAS LIVID!  After I calmed myself down I sent a text to them regarding this unpleasant situation, apparently one half of the couple didn't know about us having laundry in there and apologized.  So, let me ask anyone that has made it this far in my very long post...would you continue to pay the $50 a month for this inconsiderate situation?! 

July 1 - 1.6 miles - 17 min 6 sec

I must go now and prepare for my visitors! 

Total Running Miles - 9.95

1 comment:

  1. going to the laundromat SUCKS. so i would stick it out another month and see how the situation changes. since its your landlords that you share it with, you don't want to make a HUGE fuss about it, and keep things on good terms. i've learned that living practically WITH your landlords is not exactly as ideal as it sounds. it's not easy to put on a happy face when you see them everyday if you are on bad terms with them!

    i lived above my landlords in hoboken before jersey city, and as much as i WANTED to be livid to their face, i knew i couldn't (so i sent my boyfriend to do the sweet-talking instead of bursting in anger!! haha)

    cheers. and hello from jersey city!
