Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December / Bridal Showers

As I sit here looking at the rain, that will soon become snow according to the weather people, I find it kind of difficult to remember all the details of the sunnier showers of this past August and September.  I wanted to do a quick review and picture post about this subject...pardon me if the particulars are a bit hazy.

I had the wonderful pleasure of two bridal showers over the summer months. The first was held in New Jersey and actually took place on my 30th birthday. crap. I'm old. Anyway, it was nice to meet members of Kenny's family, his family friends, and see a few people again. It was held at a great restaurant, Frank Anthony's, in Verona, NJ. Edie, Erica, and Susan planned a really great shower! Yummy food, good wine, and lots of presents!

A group of us before things got started
(L to R - Erica (Kenny's sister), ME!, Kenny, Kenny Sr., Edie (Kenny's Mom), Joe (long time family friend), Uncle Bob (Edie's Brother))

Opening gifts - who doesn't love a George Foreman grill?!

The second shower was in Oklahoma.  It was coordinated by my cousin Layna, all the way from Florida!, and my Aunt Kim. Others helped with the execution of the event and everything went off without a hitch! We took over the Pink House in Claremore, Oklahoma for a British style tea. Hundreds of flavors were available in warm or cold options, scones, and other yummy treats too!

Overlooking the party - some lovely ladies at this table!
(L to R - Natalie, Abby, Katie, and Chandra - all long time friends and sorority sisters ... Lauren is in the back taking care of Emme, who was just a few days old!!)

Opening some gifts with Mom and Debbie in the background


After the shower in Claremore a few of my friends and I hit the streets of downtown Tulsa for my official bachelorette party. If you know me very well you know that my wild a crazy days aren't totally over, but this lady is getting far too old for somethings. Wouldn't want to break a hip! The night was basically perfect, minus a few lovely ladies that couldn't attend.  We tried our best to be 21 for a few hours and I think we pulled it off quite nicely! I have to thank my two besties and bridesmaids for their planning efforts! The newly married Abby Pettifer and the wonderful Chandra Overton really went all out!!

I'm obviously fairly excited about my hat, sash, and awesome ring!

All of the gifts that we recieved have been put to good use, without a doubt!  All our bathroom gear fit nicely into our new place...that has two showers, kind of strange...I know.  The rest of the goodies were mostly for the kitchen, which I'm still getting the hang of using.  I often cooked for myself in Oklahoma, but cooking for two people is a horse of a different color.  The Slower Cooker is my best friend!  I'm sure there will be many post about food on here once I get through the backlog of information! 

Only four more boxes of stuff haven't been unpacked...I'm off to make that number a little closer to ZERO!

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