Friday, July 19, 2013

Confessional Friday / Guilty Pleasures

Linking with A Blonde Ambition

Happy Friday Y’all!!

It’s time to confess my guilty pleasures...

Pointless TV Shows
I already confessed my love of Dance Moms, but you can go ahead and add The Real Housewives of Orange County, NYC, and Jersey to the list...and...The Kardashians. *hangs head in shame*

Sabra Hummus Cups
Adorable and delicious. I could have 3 or 4 a day, but I limit myself to one as an afternoon snack. I need to stop, they are taking over my life.

Lottery Scratch Off Tickets

I am a very fiscally responsible person, to the point that I annoy my husband and co-workers. I’m the crazy lady with a stack of coupons at checkout and completely unnecessary products in her ‘stockpile’ because they were free or moneymakers. Seriously, if you’re in need of Menopause meds shoot me an email. I digress...this is one itch that I have to scratch from time to time. I allot myself $20 per month, that’s $240 per year *gasp*, to feed my craving. When I win I use the money to buy more...and so on. I may need an intervention.

It is incredibly difficult for me to walk away from a good sale. Seriously, if something is 75% off I feel the urge to buy it even if I don’t need it or it doesn’t fit. You would be shocked at the amount of ‘goal’ skirts, jeans, etc I have in my closet. One day I will wear them...and they will be terrible out of style.

Hot Tea

Everyday I have at least 4 cups. Okay, two of those cups are in an insanely large mug that holds way more than the 8oz ‘cup’. No fancy stuff, straight Lipton, please! I do have a goal of making my tea sans Splenda.

Dole Southwest Salad Kits

If you haven’t tried these yet, do it. NOW! You will eat the entire bag

Alright folks, you go have yourself a wonderful weekend! Stay cool!


  1. I watch the Kardashians, too! And I like it! And sometimes I even like them! I KNOW!
    My husband likes it, too. It's so unlike me to watch it so most people don't know this about me, and generally I like to keep it that way. But since you watch it, too, I felt this was a safe place. haha

    Ditto on the sales as well. And as far as the hummus cups go, I have never bought them in the store because I pick them up and am all "OMG NO TOO SMALL!!!" So then I buy a bigger container and make that my snack pack. Oh yeah, it's bad.

  2. I'm amazed that your husband watches the Kardashians with you! Mine just makes a nasty comment and leaves the room!

    If I didn't buy the small hummus cups I would eat the entire tub...EVERY DAY! AH! Why is hummus so good!?

  3. Hi, I also linked up with the guilty pleasures post, and I also have a serious problem with sales, ESPECIALLY when it comes to buying in bulk at Costco. I also like to switch on the Kardashians and say "oh this show is terrible, look how shallow they are, blah blah blah," but I secretly love it.
