Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Like sands through the hour glass are the days that I shop online.

I have to tell you a little story before I get all into this online shopping thing, don't you just love have to hear a story to hear a story? that's how I roll.  My Mom's Mom, I call her Grandma, is a shopper of Olympic status.  At the ripe age of 83 she will kick your rear around a store faster than you know what hit you.  Marathoner to say the least, at the end of the day when my feet are swollen and I'm ready for bed at 9pm she is just geared up for some coffee and hell, why don't we bake something while we're at it?!  I can only hope to be this spry tomorrow in 50 something years.  If you have ever had the pleasure of shopping with her you know that she seriously considers every penny she spends and most the time that means that she takes half of the items out of her cart as she approaches the checkout because she 'doesn't really need them'.  Lady knows how to live on a budget! 

That brings me to my current story, regarding online shopping.  I love it.  It rocks.  I pick out things I like and the magically appear on my doorstep a week later, aka - about the time I forgot that I ordered it.  YAY!  A couple of weeks ago I scored three awesome sweaters from LOFT for less than $50, they arrived on Monday and I opened the package like a little kid on Christmas morning.  But this is an example of one of the few online shopping trips that end with me actually giving out the debit card info.  That's right, I admit it, I'm an online shopper with a testy trigger finger.  I hover over the checkout button for an extended period of time.  Sometimes I even begin to put in my shipping information.  A few times I have called it quits while typing in that 16 digit code that makes my account balance lower.  My thumb drifts toward that Apple key and my index hits the Q...  (big red X for the PC users)
This is exactly how I shop online, not in my ratty PJs, no makeup, and a dog on my lap. no sir.

I have to admit that a rarely regret not making an online purchase.  There have been a few items that I've watched and waited for the price to reduce, then it sells out.  I wipe the single tear from my cheek and move on with life, it wasn't meant to be!  But the majority of the time I learn that I didn't really love it that much or there is a better sale that comes along later. 

Just say NO to full priced merchandise!  Getting it on sale is a hell of a drug.

Don't forget to head on over to Killian's Blog for some awesome updates, little dude is rocking my face off.

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