Monday, January 9, 2012

Tell me I'm a Wreck

Or I had a wreck...whatevs.

It feel as though this was simply a matter of time.  If you've done much driving in a major city, particularly in the Northeastern part of the country, you know that it's fast paced and you have to be on your toes. 

I was traveling down the 1 & 9 highway toward Route 3 to get myself to the ole Wal-Mart in Secaucus(pronounced SEAcaucus, if you're from these parts).  I had my hands-free headset plugged into my iPhone and I was chatting it up with my parents back in Oklahoma, but this doesn't mean that I wasn't paying attention to the road! The Honda in front of me stopped very quickly due to the slowing traffic in front of him, that combined with his hard to see taillights due to the harsh sunlight ... BAM!

Honda Civic - aka victim

As you can see there was quite a bit of damage to this dude's bumper prior to this little encounter.  Many of the bumpers in Jersey City look like this, since most of us park on the street and we all know that very few people posses the proper talent to parallel park perfectly, myself included...I'm good friends with Mr. Curb.  Please note that the emblem was missing prior to the incident.  I also figured I shouldn't show everyone his licence plate number (in my heart it's still a TAG, per my okie speak)...that probably violates some privacy law.

Slight damage to the headlight / bumper alignment

Gordon Timothy Perry lost a tooth! - and who is jealous of my mean paint skills?!

This is probably the most visible damage of the entire thing...I'll be getting online later to hopefully find a replacement piece for his grill.  Maybe I'll get him one with some bling, he deserves it, and Gordy is gangsta like that.

All in all, everyone was okay and it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been!  Let's just pray that our insurance doesn't go sky high because of this slight miscalculation!

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