Friday, May 10, 2013

Confessional Friday

Number OneI confess that I have been a bit of a blog stalker recently. I went exploring and found some blogs that I find to be quite interesting and enjoyable. Also, my friend Katie recently started a blog! It’s nice to see another Oklahoma KD girl in the blog world!

Number TwoI confess that I found ‘Confessional Friday’ from another one of the blogs I mentioned above.

Number ThreeI confess that I am fully 100% hooked on my iPad. Not having the heavy laptop warming my legs to the point of burning is my new favorite thing. I might see if I can get one of those keyboard attachment things for it, there has to be an actual name for them right? I have no idea. Anyway, I’m just a bit slow on the typing and the letters are massive in comparison to my little tiny iPhone, so the addition of a normal sized keyboard would be nice. I will also need to get a lapboard or another hard surface, the pillow will just not do. Keep you posted on the developments in the coming weeks.

Number Four I confess that I cannot stop eating strawberries. We are going to go broke buying them, I have no doubt. I try my best to only eat them in the morning to avoid the carbs in the evening time. But I’m certain that I could eat them at every meal and be completely happy.

Number FiveI confess that I am torn about the weather changing to Spring/Summer. I get a bit of anxiety during these season changes. About the time I hit a groove with the clothes I have BAM!!  Now I feel that I must do some shopping, but where? What is in style? AH! It’s so overwhelming! I secretly wish I had a job that required a uniform. Life would be so much easier.

Happy Friday y’all!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning my blog!!! :) I'm glad you're loving your iPad!!! I absolutely love mine too!!!!!! Have a good weekend!
