Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Differences

"Mama don't you worry, 
they won't change me.
A hundred thousand miles mean nothing to me."
-Eli Young Band

New Jersey is very different from Oklahoma...I know...shocking, right? Most of the differences are small.

If you're invited to a Barbecue in New Jersey you are not guaranteed Barbecue Sauce. Hopefully, a nice rub on some brisket or pork, but usually you're just going to get a burger and some hot dogs.

When I go running I lace up my Tennis Shoes, but my husband insists that they are Sneakers.

For holidays a big events you can bet that you'll see some type of Italian cuisine here in Jersey. Baked Ziti or Chicken Francaise, will make an appearance. In Oklahoma, it's probably going to be something fried, a cobbler, or a casserole.

Okies say Mozzarella, each syllable is given it's time in the limelight, in Jersey it's just Mozz. With a moo sound in there...it's really hard to type, call me if you're confused. Either way it's maybe 25% of the actual word.

Yield signs are closer to stop signs in Oklahoma, in Jersey it means jam your way into traffic at all costs. The commute is brutal.

Asking 'Hey, how ya doin?' will get you an actual answer out West, but asking the same question here in the East gets the question back as the answer.

I won't comment on the soda, pop, coke debate. I call it Soda, you're not changing that either.

There are many differences in culture and I'm learning about them every day. I may comment more on them later, I think I better start a notebook to make sure I don't miss any! 

Bye Y'all! or Yous Guys.


  1. I can ONLY imagine being up North for an extended period of time! Bless your heart!

    1. Oh Jamie Lee, it's very hard! I do have to say that people are much nicer than I had expected. :)
