Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Goal / Blog Every Day in June #19

Route 66 Marathon
Tulsa, Oklahoma
November 24, 2013

I have 157 days to prepare for my 1st Marathon! My Dad and I will line up on the starting line and run 26.2 miles ... maybe 26.5 if we think we can handle the detour, are we crazy?! Maybe!

I have wanted to complete a marathon for a long time. I’m obviously not going to win one any time soon, I can’t even win a 5k! Just finishing this will be such a huge accomplishment.

I have crossed the finish line of 4 Half Marathons, so far, and I think that this one will feel twice as good and my feet will hurt at least three times as much.

I know that we will have to stop and walk from time to time, but we will finish. I just know it.

So, I pray that both of our bodies hold up during the training process, that the weather is good on race day, and that we cross the finish line safely.


  1. Girl, way to go! I am training for my first half-marathon and that is enough for me! Can't imagine doing a full marathon!

    1. Thanks! I can't imagine doing one either right now...the training hasn been that intense yet. August will be the start of the madness!
