Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Social / Blog Every Day in June #23

I'm killin two birds with one stone today y'all!

Sunday Social Time!

What is your favorite clothing store to shop?
Old Navy or Ann Taylor Loft

If you could afford anything and everything, which designer brand would you covet?
Ellie Saab

What is your must have closet staple?
Cardigans and Running Leggings

What is your favorite kind of shoes? (brand or type)
Running Shoes - Brooks
Casual - Converse
Super Casual - Flippy Floppies

What is the best clothing deal you've ever gotten? (sale or amazing find)
Banana Republic Outlet sleeveless top - originally $54 - $2.97 with sales and discounts

What is a style you'd love to try?
I wish I had the guts to try the layered look - button down shirt, cardigan, with a belt a the empire waist level...I've tried on and I feel like I look like a sausage.

Blog Every Day in June

Today is Three Songs that always make me smile...

Happy Together - The Turtles

Old Fashioned Love Song - Three Dog Night

Quiet Your Mind - Zac Brown Band