Sunday, June 2, 2013

Your Morning Routine / Blog Every Day in June #2

Blog Every Day in June - Day #2
Your Morning Routine

I have 3 regular morning routines... 

Monday through Friday is basically the same...
6:45am - Alarm goes off for the first time, reset it for 20 minutes later
7:05am - Alarm goes off for the 2nd time, snooze button
7:15am - Alarm goes off for the 3rd time, snooze button
7:25am - Alarm goes off and I finally open my eyes for a decent amount of time
7:35am ish - Get out of bed
7:45am - Brush teeth, turn on flat iron
7:50am - Put on make up while watching morning news
7:55am - Brush hair and use warmed up flat iron, if need be
8:00am - Get dressed, grab purse, laptop bag, lunch bag and gym bag - RUN
8:10am - Hopefully pulling out of the drive way
8:15am - Curse at traffic
8:32am - Arrive at work

During this perfectly timed morning routine the husband helps by packing up the lunch bag, reaching shoes that are on the top shelf, and taking Sophie Jean for her morning walk. 

I fully realize that I should actually get out of bed when the alarm goes off the 1st or 2nd time, but I like to feel a bit of a rush in the morning I guess.

Wake up whenever my body say to wake up - usually around 9:30 ish
Brush teeth, pull hair back, and walk to the couch for some relax time. 
I love Saturdays. 

Same as Monday through Friday, but everything happens about an hour and half later. Church starts at 10:00am, we have an amazing ability to get there about 9:57am every week. BUT we were 45 minutes early this week! EPIC!!! 

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